I don't know how, but I know Who

I'm a mermaid now, half my body.

'The Little Mermaid' changed my life.

Aye, tough mermaids are, the lot of them.

I want to be Ursula in 'The Little Mermaid.'

I definitely secretly dream of being a mermaid.

'The Little Mermaid' was a really great experience.

Eating a raw oyster is like french kissing a mermaid.

Clark Gable was the first to have called me a mermaid.

But all the magic I have known I've had to make myself.

Mermaids have no tears, and so they suffer all the more.

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids ?

If you sing to the mermaids, they come when you're drowning.

Brave men die a single death; cowards marry fish-head mermaids!

The safest way to get what you want is to deserve what you want.

But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more.

Maybe when I die and I'm thrown overboard, I'll turn into a mermaid.

If you were a mermaid, you said, If you were a mermaid, I was the sea.

I was all in gold sequins for Million Dollar Mermaid, 50 feet in the air

I'm so sick of mermaid dresses, trains, borrowed bling-bling, and a pose.

I was all in gold sequins for Million Dollar Mermaid, 50 feet in the air.

Like a mermaid rising from an ocean of paper, the girl emerged across the room.

It was like falling down an elevator shaft and landing in a pool full of mermaids.

I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.

O, train me not, sweet mermaid, with thy note, to drown me in thy sister’s flood of tears.

You got your own style, now let it come through. And remember no matter what, you got to be you.

I do love a conspiracy theory myself, but I'm more of an alien, mermaid sort of conspiracy girl.

The difference between a Miracle and a Fact is exactly the difference between a mermaid and a seal.

Lots of models have played mermaids throughout history and it is, kind of, a funny rite of passage.

The tail of Emily Windsnap"everyone has a secret . mines alittle different. i figured out i am a mermaid.

Even when I'm dead, I'll swim through the Earth, like a mermaid of the soil, just to be next to your bones.

The way other kids would watch 'The Little Mermaid' or 'Sesame Street,' I would watch 'Fiddler on the Roof.'

Managing a league club is like making love to a mermaid... you should always be aiming for a top half finish

With "poets dead and gone" as Keats says in "Mermaid Tavern" they are alive and talking to us and us to them.

'The Little Mermaid' is my favorite of the Disney animated features. And, I could not wait to see it on Broadway.

I would wanna be a mermaid, but I think I'm a little bit more of a unicorn, because I'm like a little bit more horsey.

Mississippi Mermaid was a very special experience because we only had the dialogues for the scenes we were shooting the night before.

I address you all tonight for who you truly are: wizards, mermaids, travelers, adventurers, and magicians. You are the true dreamers.

Most people think of Ariel when they think of mermaids. What they don't know is that she's surrounded by really hot-tempered mermaids.

I've wanted to be an astronaut, a doctor, a vet - these are things I've said in interviews. Before that, I wanted to be a mermaid and a fairy.

Since the nineteen-fifties, rural Florida has marketed itself to Northerners and Midwesterners as an unexplored paradise of citrus and mermaids.

A mermaid has not an immortal soul, nor can she obtain one unless she wins the love of a human being. On the power of another hangs her eternal destiny.

Disneyland's a mess. And it's not just the measles. Donald Duck has bird flu. Pocahontas has small pox. The Little Mermaid has crabs. And the Monorail? Mono.

Obviously, portraying a mermaid is a very different kind of work, especially when compared to any other character you'd probably get asked to play in a show.

I have a lot of mermaid stuff. I did start collecting a lot before I had children because I didn't know if I would have a boy or a girl. So I saved everything.

A mermaid found a swimming lad, Picked him up for her own, Pressed her body to his body, Laughed; and plunging down Forgot in cruel happiness That even lovers drown.

My shirt and my hat always say 'World Champion' in some language. English, Spanish, Chinese, 'Star Wars' language, which is also known as Aurebesh, mermaid language.

I would go through phases of wanting to be a mermaid or a vet, but because I grew up around people who were always making movies, I guess it sort of just moulded my mind.

My first paying job might have been doing a play, actually. My mom paid me to dress up as a flounder at my sister's 'Little Mermaid' - themed birthday party when I was little.

I've known Hillary, and her husband Bill, for more than half of my life. I remember her playing mermaid in the pool with our youngest daughter Sally for hours on family vacations.

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