Millions of followers doesn't equal millions of dollars.

I know I've saved the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

Jerry Bruckheimer has made millions of dollars producing propaganda.

I get to do what I want. And I get paid millions of dollars to do it.

People can easily make millions of dollars without much work in America.

There is no reason for a person to have thousands of millions of dollars.

Money spent by Hollywood to fight piracy: hundreds of millions of dollars.

Word of mouth is way more important than millions of dollars spent marketing.

I've made millions of dollars with the body I have, so where's the pain in that?

I've turned down millions of dollars to go on reality TV. It's an absolute no-go.

We'd rather pay farmers millions of dollars not to grow crops than to feed children.

Agents are still asking for millions of dollars for actors that don't sell one ticket.

It's a little hard not to be an elitist when you're making millions of dollars a year.

When there's millions of dollars at stake, everybody is going to look for an advantage.

The killer whale Tilikum has helped SeaWorld sell millions of dollars worth of tickets.

I want an opportunity to fight the best in the world and make millions of dollars doing it.

What do I need it for, millions of dollars? It just sounds like problems with the IRS to me.

If I could make millions of dollars being a softball player, I would quit acting in a second.

You're talking serious money already in the bank, and millions of dollars coming in every year.

If liberals want to send tens of millions of dollars down the drain, I have no problem with that.

Fake news was manufactured to the tune of millions of dollars in an attempt to discredit my story.

When you're paying millions of dollars for somebody to coach your team, you can find somebody good.

I could stand in the street and sing and get enough to pay the bills. I don't need millions of dollars.

It was exciting putting hundreds of millions of dollars to work buying and building wind farms in Texas.

I get that Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to turn my last name into a curse word.

Politically motivated lawsuits and prosecutions cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars every year.

I'm part of a team that raises millions of dollars and raises awareness of HIV and AIDS all over the world.

I've given away tens of millions of dollars over the years - probably to almost every charity in Australia.

Just because you are living the dream making millions of dollars doesn't mean you don't go through problems.

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for subsidizing former presidents' lives to the tune of millions of dollars.

Look, I don't have the millions of dollars that Exxon has. But I've got comedy. I've got satire. I've got stars.

A lot of people think it takes millions of dollars to give back or inspire, but just you showing up means a lot.

The notion of self-care for people who have hundreds of millions of dollars, it doesn't seem like a radical thing.

A small group of motivated citizens can potentially have as much influence as a lobby group spending millions of dollars.

When you're willing to play poker for two days and lose millions of dollars, it's no longer recreation. It's taking over.

You don't have to raise millions of dollars to be successful, you just have to work on something you are passionate about.

I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars; there's a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that.

The Trump Organization is paid millions of dollars by these developers for the privilege of putting the Trump name on those towers.

Al Gore had no problem taking hundreds of millions of dollars from the government of Qatar to sell his Current TV to Al Jazeera America.

The people of the Southern States now own near five millions of these negroes, and they are worth to them near three millions of dollars.

There's something about supposed experts making millions of dollars to bark tired sports cliches that makes our blood boil. And it should.

It would be a lot cheaper for me not to have to raise tens of millions of dollars to elect progressive candidates who will raise my taxes.

Transnational organized cybercriminal groups have stolen hundreds of millions of dollars from financial institutions and ordinary citizens.

Millions of dollars' worth of advertising shows such little respect for the reader's intelligence that it amounts almost to outright insult.

You don't need to spend tens of millions of dollars on political consultants to tell you what you think when you already know what you think.

Christopher Finazzo had a great job that paid him millions of dollars, but this honest living was apparently not enough to satisfy his greed.

With major films costing hundreds of millions of dollars to make, Hollywood is an industry that tends to repeat patterns when they make money.

I got drafted at 19. I've got millions of dollars in my pocket, I could have lost my damn mind. I don't see how you could consider me immature.

Senator McConnell has always won in the past because he's had a bigger blow horn. He's always had tens of millions of dollars more than his opponent.

Does anyone believe that Goldman Sachs is gonna give up a deal that would yield millions of dollars because someone fussed at them behind closed doors?

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