Millions of people thought Archie was a happy hero.

Millions of people feel ignored by the political establishment.

Millions of people die every day. Everyone's got to go sometime.

Fame means millions of people have the wrong idea of who you are.

It's a disgrace that we have millions of people who are uninsured.

I'm associated with gospel music in the minds of millions of people.

I am glad that I wrote something that brought joy to millions of people.

It's important to remember all the millions of people that are starving.

There can be inhibitions, but there are millions of people who like to sing.

There are millions of people in the world, I have only played a few of them.

Millions of people walk into the voting booth and vote for someone they like.

My job is what millions of people do for recreation. How can you not like that?

I know there are millions of people out there having just as good a time as I am.

I talk to millions of people every day. I just like it when they can't talk back.

Millions of people are falling out of the middle class into the ranks of the poor.

If I do not return to the pulpit this weekend, millions of people will go to hell.

A President's unofficial or non-presidential actions do not affect millions of people.

Everything we do we should look at in terms of millions of people who can't afford it.

Preventing surveillance of millions of people at a time is totally within our ability.

I'm so grateful that anyone has connected with my songs, let alone millions of people.

I don't need to be involved with a game watched by millions of people to be fulfilled.

Little did we know it would be watched by millions of people and break viewing records.

I never got good at predicting what millions of people will suddenly decide is rational.

If it's accessible by hundreds of millions of people, then it's as mainstream as it gets.

The Web has incredible potential for an artist who keeps in touch with millions of people.

In a sea of millions of people, you really have to set yourself apart to make a statement.

I love taking an idea... to a prototype and then to a product that millions of people use.

Europe - with hundreds of millions of people - can accept hundreds of thousands of migrants.

We are all lucky to be here, we are lucky to be on stage and have millions of people watch us.

Factoring in millions of people when I'm writing a song is not a good idea. I don't ever do it.

The United Nations has a proud record of helping millions of people in mine-affected countries.

With great power comes great responsibility. These are platforms with hundreds of millions of people.

Millions of people live their entire lives without finding themselves. But it is something I must do.

There's always been a snobby dismissal of football and the emotions it elicits in millions of people.

I wish my artwork could persuade millions of people to join a global conversation about sustainability.

There's hundreds of millions of people that are card members at AmEx - all of them should be using Uber.

Embryonic stem cell research will prolong life, improve life and give hope for life to millions of people.

This globalization is lifting up hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. The Left needs to see that.

For nearly eight decades, I've had the great fortune of playing thousands of roles before millions of people.

Millions of people are married. I've never picked up a paper and seen a headline that says, Man Gets Married!

The sad truth is that millions of people with mental illness suffer stigma and prejudice, especially at work.

When history looks back, I want people to know that the Nazis could not kill millions of people with impunity.

Millions of people come every day to Mumbai to fulfill their acting dreams. Being one of them is always tough.

Brexit has energised millions of people, young and old, to take part in our democracy and that's a great thing.

Three-wheelers are a vital means of transportation and a source of livelihood for millions of people every day.

If you represent your country and millions of people are watching, it comes through a lot of grit and hard work.

I've just kept going, like millions of people do every day, because life does not allow them to do anything else.

With MTV2, every fighter is exposed to millions of people, and they won't have to take a monster pay cut to do so.

I don't feel like millions of people are wrong because they love who they love or they were born how they were born.

I have said what millions of people think and find. It is a travesty that I have to defend myself in court for this.

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