Preserve substance; modify form; know the difference.

Your brain has the power to modify your pain perception.

When you pray for anyone you tend to modify your personal attitude toward him.

I think it is rather 'unsexy' to go under the knife and modify your appearance.

Growing up, I fluctuated between wanting to modify my looks and embracing them.

In science the important thing is to modify and change one's ideas as science advances.

I didn't develop or build synths. I had my technicians modify them for my live stage performances.

You can now modify the genes of large animals, and the largest animal we are concerned with is the human.

A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape.

When you're playing a character in a movie, you can add your own touch to it and modify it to suit your style.

Though intelligence is powerless to modify character, it is a dab hand at finding euphemisms for its weaknesses.

Do I believe in plastic surgery? Yes, if something is wrong and you can modify it. For certain people, it's right.

To really boost your sense of self-efficacy, think of ways you could modify your usual tasks to suit your personal style.

I think the challenge for all technology companies is to modify what they're doing to be what the market needs at that point.

It's a good idea to revitalize community colleges, to cut back, to modify the student loan program so it doesn't go through banks.

All characters come from people I know, but after the initial inspiration, I tend to modify the characters so they fit with the story.

After so many surgeries, I had to modify my game. I know what I can and can't do in order to keep performing for a long period of time.

Many companies that become verbs actually end up modifying our behaviors, and companies that modify behaviors end up becoming behemoths.

As we decipher our biology and learn to modify and adjust it, we are learning to modify ourselves - and we will do so. No laws will stop this.

The fact is that all writers create their precursors. Their work modifies our conception of the past, just as it is bound to modify the future.

A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas - a place where history comes to life.

In the future, I can imagine that we will genetically modify ourselves using the genes that have doubled our life span since we were chimpanzees.

Adverbs, we know, are meant to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They help us understand things more clearly, more vividly, more... morely.

There is no Constitutional right to prey on others. The Internet is just a piece of technology, like the telephone. Society has the right to modify its uses.

I had an experience that was kind of backward. Instead of thinking that photography was a step down, it brought me a step up, to transpose and modify things.

One thing is sure. We have to do something. We have to do the best we know how at the moment... If it doesn't turn out right, we can modify it as we go along.

But if I'm going to cause somebody else discomfort by my actions, then I should probably modify my actions toward them to make them as comfortable as possible.

I think that an advanced planetary civilization will modify their own planets to be more stable, to prevent asteroid impacts and dangerous climate fluctuations.

States are free to modify the Common Core State Standards or adopt their own individual standards, because academic standards are the prerogative of the states.

Motion comics take the underlying physical book material and enhance or modify it slightly enough to make it unique and, we think, best-suited for a digital environment.

You can say, like, planet Earth has an existing geology, and what we do as human beings and as architects is that we try to sort of alter and modify and expand the geology.

As a Facebook user, do I have control of the data Facebook keeps about me? Concretely: can I examine and modify that data using tools of my choosing which are built for my needs?

Everything is a process... some of our eating habits consist of things we can't change, but if we modify it a little and put some exercise in there, we can really make a difference.

To modify the conditions of the Earth's movement is beyond the powers of man. It is not given to mankind to change the order established by the Creator in the system of the Universe.

Given that the biggest rise in childhood obesity rates are occurring in children ages 3 to 5 years, we must modify our efforts to place an emphasis on prevention versus intervention.

The society of life on Mars, or the challenge of making Mars more livable, will have significant benefits on our attempts to modify and change in some ways the environment here on Earth.

I don't eat pork or beef. I cut that out when my father passed away about 20 years ago. I wanted to modify my diet because he passed away from diabetes. And, you know, it's very hereditary.

As you suggested I have in the following disputed certain passages, trusting you will do me the justice either to modify the same or add a note in the new edition stating that I dispute,' etc.

I constantly modify myself. There are downfalls to that because you are constantly trying to figure out who you are, but at the same time, I'm blessed with the lack of base paint on the canvas.

Shah Rukh Khan is a self-made man, and he does inspire with what he does. It is foolish to think that one can try and imitate or modify what he does. I have been original in my performances so far.

New molecular methods that add or modify genes can protect plants from diseases and pests and improve crops in ways that are both more environmentally benign and beyond the capability of older methods.

When I agreed to play Ravana, I only had one condition that I get to modify the dialogues. One has to maintain the purity of the text, but the dramatization and the emotion behind it can be toyed with.

We're all entitled to opinions about how art institutions should behave, and entitled to voicing those opinions through whatever means available to us. We're also allowed to change or modify our opinions.

I like to take certain aspects of genre fiction and modify them in my own way. 'Your Republic Is Calling You' follows the form of a spy novel, but it leads readers into a world of Kafkaesque irrationality.

I voted against H.R. 4293, the Stress Test Improvement Act of 2017, which would modify the regulatory oversight of certain financial institutions in a way that is likely to expose our economy to greater risk.

White liberals face this cognitive dissonance: if they decide that America is ready for a black president and back Obama, they would also be forced to surrender or at least modify decades of convictions about American bias.

I just always knew that I lived in two worlds. There was the world of my house and community, but to make my way in that white world I had to modify the way I spoke and acted. I had to sometimes not make direct eye contact.

There's an idea that, 'Oh, the more technology you have, or the more you modify your body, the less human you are.' I think that's super gross, and inaccurate, and also offensive to anybody who relies on technology to live.

I don't think I should be giving out relationship advice! You have to accept each other for who they are and what they will be able to modify in their behavior and what you can modify in your behavior to create a better relationship.

If you set out to do something and you give it your all and it doesn't work out, be willing to modify your goal slightly. Have the ability to look in another direction. A small shift could guide you to the real purposes of your life.

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