Moms rock!

Drake loves moms.

Moms are as versatile as dads.

Rap is supposed to scare soccer moms.

Moms in fiction and memoir get a bad rap.

Kids who don't have moms suffer a lifetime.

Moms are people, too. Moms make mistakes, too.

My purpose is to refuel, refresh and rejuvenate moms.

Now, I love playing moms who can't hide their paranoia.

Do not judge other moms on how they raise their children.

Like most working moms, my life is a constant juggling act.

Moms or soon-to-be-moms put a lot of pressure on themselves.

By the time I left 'Dance Moms,' I'd made so many friendships.

I love playing moms. It's a lot easier than being a mom, I hear.

I'm pretty sure the feeling of inadequacy is universal for moms.

Being a mom is hard, I think a lot of working moms feel that way.

Working moms, stay at home moms, they're both extremely hard jobs.

I think moms need to share information on a regular, intimate basis.

My desire, my passion, was to help moms with practical encouragement.

'Dance Moms' was one of the best experiences I've ever had in my life!

Sometimes, moms have to be creative to get their babies to eat healthy.

We have a broad range of snackers - moms, kids and healthy active people.

Funny, how moms can tell you what to do no matter how old or big you are.

I've played so many moms, best friends, sisters and understanding people.

I have written about 10 books, all just practical encouragement for moms.

I grew up with my moms and pops. Pops was in jail for, like, three years.

Moms can be fresh, fly and young, and that's the kind of mom I want to be.

Our mission began with finding solutions for families, especially busy moms.

I always hated perfect TV moms because I always thought that was unrealistic.

A lot of moms stop me on the street and give me hugs, which I really appreciate.

It's the moms who always have to work a little harder, to make everything right.

I've seen wonderful stay-at-home moms and moms who could use a little improving.

I've been so fortunate to work with so many successful women who are moms as well.

After doing 'Dance Moms,' I've been super inspired and motivated to work with girls.

Yeah when I was 7 or 8 my moms would have little parties, and I would play the music.

Working women, moms, students, they don't have a lot of time to spend on their faces.

I feel triumphant when our moms can use Airbnb without their technically inclined kids.

Me and my peers, we're working really hard at being moms and sisters and professionals.

I think it is important for working moms to recognize that family is the most important.

Moms being moms, they're very supportive, and they're always talking very highly of you.

I like showing moms what it's really like having a baby, and how it's not Hollywood life.

Imagine a 15-year-old kid saying, 'I have two moms - it's cool.' I don't fear that at all.

I have a husband, and babysitters; I find it hard. I find it amazing how single moms do it.

Moms, you are the first and most influential role model in your girl's life. Use that power.

African American women, and moms in particular, are evicted at disproportionately high rates.

It's not the most relatable thing for working moms to have freshly painted claws all the time.

There are 80 million moms in the United States. Forty million stay at home with their children.

I have a special place in my heart for working moms - it's a constant pull on your heartstrings.

Films are deprived of the conventional elderly figures now. They are more into yo moms and dads.

I have so much respect for women that are full-time moms in the house. It's such a difficult job.

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