Monologues are fun.

Sharing my faith is not a monologue, it is a dialogue.

...every monologue sooner or later becomes a discussion.

Monologue is the most honest way to represent human beings.

Everything we do, our entire interior monologue, is prayer.

In third or fourth grade, I loved to sign stories and monologues.

After 'King of Monologues,' now I'm loving the term 'Bromantic Hero.'

Johnny Carson started the jokes about me and Marlin in his monologues.

I always have these little internal monologues. You'll get used to them.

This is why I read novels: so I can escape my own unrelenting monologue.

Genes are a play within a play, not the interior monologue of the players.

Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of a witness.

My thing is, I like playing guys who have a really interesting internal monologue.

I like to hold a monologue with women. But a dialogue with myself is more stimulating.

At university, I used to write silly little sketches and monologues, but never fiction.

Acting is about people. Other people. Otherwise, you're not acting, you're doing monologues.

My plays are made up of long monologues, which is similar to prose working with the language.

I'm not talking to anyone, I'm delivering a monologue. It's the inebriated man's prerogative.

Theatre is highly satisfying in terms of words. You get to speak in monologues; words drive the action.

There is no such thing as conversation. It is an illusion. There are intersecting monologues, that is all.

My first job out of CalArts was performing monologues at the Women of Faith conferences across the country.

It was been an absolute joy being in 'The Vagina Monologues' for so many years. I think the play is truly special.

I am the kind of person that wants to get up in front of crowds of strangers and perform monologues. To each their own.

Gertrude's Secret' is highly entertaining. Some of the monologues are very funny, some very surprising and some painful.

[Having monologue] are talking to somebody even if it's just to yourself, convince yourself if that's what you're trying to do.

When you don't have an interruption, there's a flow, so it's easier to memorize. Monologues are easier to memorize than dialogue.

'Nashville' songs and country music have always been about storytelling and about the heart and confessionals. They're monologues.

The first play that I saw was 'Cyrano,' and I remember going home - I was like nine years old - and trying to learn the monologues.

One-way monologues through the Voice of America and Radio Free Asia don't have much street cred with China's Internet generation, to be honest.

I was about 29 or 30, and I started writing monologues for myself. I felt I got more immediate encouragement from that than I ever had in acting.

Monologues are self-verifying and self-referencing, a world in their own right, one with its own internal logic that strengthens with reiteration.

I consider my comedy to be dramatic comedy. I always wanted music underscoring the dramatic monologue. It was always drama with comedy, in my head.

In Filey, you eat early to prepare for the highlight of the evening: social intercourse of a kind one thought relegated to Stanley Holloway monologues.

I had to invest in the love and understand that with the love comes the pain. So when he tells me that, the monologue is already there. Does that make sense?

I would take plays and I would cut out all the other dialogue and make long monologues because I felt the other kids weren't taking it as seriously as I did.

I started with me as Awkwafina reciting 'Othello' monologues, and I'd send those to my friends. It started like that, and then it went into more music-y stuff.

I wrote my own play, 'The Westie Monologues,' about where I'm from in Australia, and it was very successful. From that, I started getting offers from television.

It's funny that you [Zachary Quinto] did a monologue from Pounding Nails in the Floor With My Forehead. I did the same thing for my university when I went to USC.

Confessional poetry is, to my mind, more slippery than poems that are sloppily autobiographical; I find the confessional mode much more akin to dramatic monologue.

I had to audition as an actor, and I got so tired of doing the same monologues over and over, so I started writing my own, and then I started selling them to other actors.

To me, it's the kiss of death when you start winking at the audience as an actor. I just never liked it. I don't like it when we do monologues, looking into the character.

I have been doing acting my whole life. I did plays in high school. I take it pretty seriously. I used to do a lot of Shakespeare and Shakespearean festivals and monologues.

I really never thought I was that good at film. And honestly still don't. My strength is language. My background is monologues and a certain kind of Brechtian spin on theater.

Anything is possible on a train: a great meal, a binge, a visit from card players, an intrigue, a good night's sleep, and strangers' monologues framed like Russian short stories.

I've written a screenplay that is a series of monologues and songs; they form this sort of human tapestry across time and place. The form is strange, but I find it really fascinating.

When I watch Tucker's show, I hear - you're going to think I'm crazy - I hear 2024 campaign monologues. That's what I sometimes hear him doing, thinking about what is the post-Trump GOP.

I probably didn't talk in public until eighth grade, and then in high school, I started doing oral interpretation - kind of like monologues. Through theater and plays, I started coming out of my shell.

So anyway, I've learned a lot about myself just in terms of acting but just work ethic and interesting things like full-page monologues or talking straight into camera, which I had never gotten to do before.

I had been doing summer stock every summer while I was in college. We did a showcase, like most good conservatories do - monologues and things that agents and casting directors come to see. From that I got an agent.

I think Ferguson is underrated. I think it's an amazing show. They all have something different to offer, but I think Craig Ferguson has one of the most interesting monologues in late-night because he basically does stand-up.

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