I washed mud off of mud.

I, too, saw God through mud

He who sling mud, lose ground.

What memories for mud to have.

He who slings mud loses ground.

I do not like mud baths at all.

I was at Woodstock. In the mud.

Life is made up of marble and mud.

I made all my generals out of mud.

Even mud gives the illusion of depth.

I grew up in a house made out of mud.

The work of the world is common as mud.

No mud can soil us but the mud we throw.

He who slings mud generally loses ground.

He who slings mud generally loses ground.

There is an eagle in me that wants to soar.

I grew up in a mud house, in a small village.

We sit in the mud... and reach for the stars.

Come, therefore, and let us fling mud at them!

He who builds on the people, builds on the mud

Who can wait in stillness while the mud settles?

There's no smoke without mud being flung around.

Writing in English is like throwing mud at a wall.

Let all the poison that lurks in the mud, hatch out.

Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud, Hatch out.

The mud is cold when you're in the north of Scotland!

I don't want no handouts. I want to get it out the mud.

Give me some mud, and I will paint you a woman's flesh.

If you pray for rain, be prepared to deal with some mud.

I had been found in a mud puddle at 4:30 in the morning.

You gotta go in the mud sometimes to figure who you are.

Vulgarity of manners defiles fine garments more than mud.

A messy mortal is my friend. Come walk with me in the mud.

You have to lift your head up out of the mud and just do it.

If you throw stones in mud, it will only spoil your clothes.

I wrote 'Mud' for Matthew McConaughey and had never met him.

Some ideas take you to the stars; some sinks you to the mud!

Women are a lot like ducks-they don’t like mud on their butts.

I ran a marathon, completed a mud run and jumped from a plane.

War has rules, mud wrestling has rules - politics has no rules.

I'll be wearing my high heels, even if I'm up to my knees in mud

I am contesting elections since 1952, but never did I throw mud.

Girls can do anything, for sure. Even running in the mud in heels.

The Devil is like a strainer that separates the mud from the gold.

The flower of #‎ consciousness needs the mud out of which it grows.

Be patient and wait. Your mud will settle. Your water will be clear.

I thought 'Mud' would be such an easy film for people to understand.

We will get them stuck in the mud and we will certainly defeat them.

I had some Barbies, but they were few and far between the mud fights.

I remember my mother finding mud somehow and putting it on the sting.

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