I believe in rock and roll and heavy music in general.

I believe that music should really be without boundaries.

As someone who worships music, I believe it can never be ugly!

I believe that once I put music out, it's owned by the listener.

I believe that blues and jazz are the two uniquely American contributions into music.

I believe it's possible to have hit songs and popular music that's recorded by human beings.

I believe Babymetal's music can transcend everything from national boundaries, genders and ages.

I believe in the future of country music, but a future without roots is like a kite with no string.

I believe that music is connected by human passions and curiosities rather than by marketing strategies.

I know that I'm not a criminal. People say that, but my music speaks for itself. And I believe in my music.

I believe that music is a force in itself. It is there and it needs an outlet, a medium. In a way, we are just the medium.

If children are not introduced to music at an early age, I believe something fundamental is actually being taken from them.

I like to collaborate with other people for studio recordings because I believe collaboration, in any form, makes music better.

John Mayer would be my ultimate collaboration because he's just the man. He has basically captured all I believe in with music.

I believe I inherited my sense of music from my father. My father was an ear piano player; he could just hear something and play it.

I believe that music is another form of news. Music is another form of journalism to me so I have to cover all the areas with my album.

I'm really not one of those deejays who go, 'I play music that I like.' I play it for the crowd. I believe that's what a deejay should do.

I believe that melody is such a lost part of music and country music. People are either scared of it or not using all the colors that are available.

I think a group and a solo attract people in different ways, which I believe is a proof that the mass is looking for the more varying types of music.

I believe in reflecting honesty and reflecting reality in my music and making music that touches people emotionally - music that can bring us together.

I strongly believe that Professor Longhair playing just instrumentals would be just as effective as stylized vocals; that's how much I believe in his music.

One of the things that I think is such a constant in country music is that the song is so much a story. I believe it is supposed to be based around a story.

When I play music, I realize that it filters emotions. I believe that peoples' voices are expressed in their emotions, and I try to do the same with my music.

I believe deeply that jazz is still a very vital music that has much to say, not just to eggheads, or whatever the musical equivalent of an egghead is, but to ordinary people.

I've always wanted to release records in America. That's where I believe the music belongs, and the style and the eclectic musical mix that we put together kind of belongs here.

I believe singing should be like being an actor. People shouldn't have any problem buying an actor being in a comedy or a drama or a horror film. That should be the same way with music.

I believe that writing on music is experienced inside your head, is not a physically present in the world, it has a different kind of authority and prominence and you absorb it differently.

I believe that there are many interesting projects that are potentially possible for me other than game music, and therefore in my mind there are several things that are being contemplated.

I was fortunate enough in my public school that they had a full music program, and no one escaped it. It was treated as a subject that was as important as everything else, and I believe it is.

The painter paints, the musician makes music, the novelist writes novels. But I believe that we all have some influence, not because of the fact that one is an artist, but because we are citizens.

I believe honesty comes across in music because for people that music isn't just something to dance to. For people for whom music is something that they feel, they understand what I'm talking about.

I wanted to first build a platform and then use it to shine a light on music/people that I believe in. This record label is for people across all corners of the world, to showcase all genres of music.

In the olden days, I believe Mozart also improvised on piano, but somehow in the last 200 years, the whole training of Western classical music - they don't read between the lines, they just read the lines.

I believe that music is a spiritual language. My everyday self is pretty mundane and boring, but when I'm making music it allows for me to communicate a kind of transcendence that I can't communicate otherwise.

I believe that filmmakers have to internalize the story and subtext so well that all of the departments can start to speak to each other - that music can speak to cinematography can speak to writing and back again.

I believe that classical music comes through listening and practice, and it can be fun both for the singer or performer and the listener or audience, as long as the performer is taught to recognise the pulse of the audience.

I believe that there are still people who believe that game music is something equal to just an effect incorporated into the game, something like a BGM. And therefore this is something that I would like to show that is not true.

What I believe to be jazz is constructed and improvised music which is in the air right now. But I don't think that's most people's definition of jazz, you know? We don't know what we're talking about, because we don't know the definition.

In some ways I believe music is the more convincing communicator of ideas than words. For instance, we can hear of Kordaly and Bartok and recognise them as Hungarian, but very few of us speak Hungarian, but the music itself speaks to more people.

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