My confidence came from always needing to compete.

I left with nothing and needing to begin a new career.

I'm a great believer in needing things that give us some hope.

With all strikers, it's just about needing a bit of confidence.

Instead of needing lots of children, we need high-quality children.

Do I need men? I don't think it's about needing men. It's about love.

I'm always looking over my shoulder, needing to stay ahead of the game.

Biden can talk about politics not needing to be a raging fire. But it is.

Now, I'm back to my old ways: Needing to be the leader, needing to score.

I never got to the point of needing drugs or thinking about giving up myself.

Refugee policy is only one part of immigration law needing a drastic overhaul.

I just invent, then wait until man comes around to needing what I've invented.

If I wasn't plagued by needing to write things, that would perhaps be a blessing.

Probably not needing to be published would give me more time to think about a book.

I'm turning this industry around and making clothing that we've been wanting and needing.

Needing to have things perfect is the surest way to immobilize yourself with frustration.

Singing is how I express everything. Hunger, needing new clothes... it's all through song.

I think part of being masculine is not needing to prove it and not needing to answer for it.

I'm in a very good place to make records. Needing to make money off music is very dangerous.

I rage against Vincent van Gogh for needing to die at 37, after painting for only ten years.

When the locker room needing shaking up, I did it. I remained myself, a leader, until the end.

There are those who leave without our needing to detain them; we have said all there is to say.

I think more dating stuff is scheduling. It's needing people who understand your work schedule.

It's a life-changing thing to be in a position of needing help and being so lucky as to get it.

During the course of filming 'Top Chef,' I gain 15 lbs., so I'm used to needing two dress sizes.

I'd got into the habit of needing that security, love, and acceptance from a guy to make me happy.

I can't deal with someone wanting to take a relationship backward or needing space or cheating on you.

I have a habit of needing cake or chocolate when I get an energy dip around 4 P.M. I wish I could stop.

I can think of many reasonable excuses for needing a cocktail, but Cinco De Mayo is always a no-brainer.

The back story of a songwriter isn't important to me - I don't listen to music needing to know who the guy is.

It's just been so heartwarming to see my clothes on people in wheelchairs and people needing physical support.

I have a big thing about needing to know that I belong - in my group of friends, in my family, in my industry.

No one is immune to needing to sit or needing to go down at the right time, and you want to give guys a chance.

I operate with this sense of needing to live up to what I am asking of people. I am, by far, my own worst critic.

Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts.

If I can be an advocate for people to get healthy, that's good, and it's not about just needing to go to the gym.

Leo Messi is a little football God. I love playing alongside him. We understand each other without needing to talk.

I never call them 'guys;' I always call them 'boys.' Maybe it's a superiority complex - my needing to keep them down.

I turned to music originally because of my past and needing a release or an outlet to get out anger or frustration or hurt.

I have a strong feeling that the subject of evolution is beautiful without the excuse of creationists needing to be bashed.

Everyone can relate to love, hurt, pain, learning how to forgive, needing to get over, needing the power of God in their life.

There is something daunting about getting a role you didn't formally audition for, another weight of needing to prove yourself.

People in my world can be disdainful of political and social problems and solutions. But we're never going to stop needing those.

I know I love going to my gym - I have a whole list of things I love to do by myself without needing someone else to make me happy.

You know, it's possible for two humans to be in a relationship without there needing to be some public reason for that relationship.

Stay true to your own voice, and don't worry about needing to be liked or what anybody else thinks. Keep your eyes on your own paper.

Without needing to be theoretically instructed, consciousness quickly realizes that it is the site of variously contending discourses.

'Content is King,' and with more screens needing entertaining content now than at any time in history, that statement is truer than ever.

I'm less needy about needing to express myself through acting. I have many different lives outside of this that are extremely fulfilling.

I keep wondering at night, 'Will I have a bank the next morning, or will some technology company be doing banking without needing a bank?'

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