Technology makes the world a new place.

Change is always good. It brings you to a new place.

I like to run in a new place to help me find my way around.

Everyone thinks that a new place or a new identity will jumpstart a new life.

For 10 years, I gave away my possessions every year and moved on to a new place.

Columbus only discovered that he was in some new place. He didn't discover America.

I actually love the challenge of being in a new place where I'm so obviously the foreigner.

Delhi was not completely a new place for me, but as a political worker, it was a new place.

Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress.

Business comes and goes and we make a strategic decision that could lead you to whole new place.

I cannot judge a country. I fall in love with the people and the place each time I visit a new place.

There are always new places to go fishing. For any fisherman, there's always a new place, always a new horizon.

Create a compelling vision, one that takes people to a new place, and then translate that vision into a reality.

Don't waste time trying to break a man's heart; be satisfied if you can just manage to chip it in a brand new place.

Every time I go to a new place, more likely than not, I end up seeing an opera there. It's ended up being a part of travel.

For a child actor, it's a matter of listening, reacting, and being able to put yourself in a new place without being scared.

I'd waste a holiday trying to set a story in this new place I'd visit, whereas I would never write a story about Indianapolis.

I've said, for a long time, my favorite part of my career is when I'm creating a new thing where I'm pulling from a new place.

Movement has been one of the few constants in my life, and I always feel a great sense of optimism when I set off to a new place.

I'm a little obsessed with lip balm. When I go to a new place, I'll find the locally made natural lip balms and buy them as my little memento.

I grew up all over the world. My father was in the army and was posted to a new place every two and a half years. I have no geographical roots.

I enjoy very much being in a foreign country, in a new country, new place. And I enjoy also beginning a new book. It's like being someone else.

If I was going to pretend to be the supermom next door, it would've been counterfeit and a lie. I figured I had to write something out of a new place.

As soon as I read that, it clicked: that's my theater of war. It was exciting to think that I could write about World War Two from a totally new place.

It can be tough when you're on the road, but I think food is meant to be enjoyed, so whenever we go to a new place, we look for the specialty item there.

And so by the fifteenth century, on October 8, the Europeans were looking for a new place to try to get to, and they came up with a new concept: the West.

I enjoy moving. I like to be in a new place. Settling down doesn't appeal to me much. I like the whole business of it. And I love the first night in the new place.

When people would ask me which was my favourite destination, I would say I didn't have one, because I would always want to go to a new place, but Maldives is incredible.

I am not very convinced with having a signature dish. The whole point of being a chef is going to a new place, adapting and curating a new menu as per the culture and community.

I loved Alien, and I loved Carrie, and I loved The Exorcist - those were big movies for me. They were just brilliantly done, and unusual, and they all took horror to some new place.

I love creating new things. It's difficult to be creative once a restaurant's open. People want the same dishes. For me, the creativity is in opening a new place and starting a new menu.

The appeal of travel books is also the sense that you are different, an outsider, almost like the Robinson Crusoe or Christopher Columbus notion of being the first person in a new place.

We look at the Mona Lisa and say we're going to do our version of the Mona Lisa. We mirror it. But exaptation would say that painting the Mona Lisa would lead to a whole new place... Bugs Bunny.

When we went to mass that first Sunday after moving to a new place, that was where we felt at home and were able to say, 'well, home is anywhere, it doesn't matter where we live because we have the faith.'

There is certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse! As I have often found in traveling in a stagecoach, that it is often a comfort to shift one's position, and be bruised in a new place.

A good espresso to me is a little bit salty; you just become used to a good taste. Anytime I go into a new place and they don't clean their machine properly or the water temperature isn't right, it tastes awful.

What I like to do when I get to a new place is buy local music early on and listen to it while we're driving around. I think it helps explain and illuminate the culture of where you are if local music is playing.

I really love travelling to places where I get to learn something new about a new group of people or a new place. Learn some history, contemplate some business ideas, and sort of get off the beaten track a little bit.

In one respect, it's easier to open a restaurant in New York because you get more media attention than anywhere else. Almost everyone will try a new place once, irrespective of the reviews, because it's a spectator sport.

When someone dies instantly, then I think the well of grief and disbelief all mixed in with it is unfathomable. And when murder is involved, that just takes it into a whole new place. There is an extra dimension you just can't compute or deal with.

But a lot of my training can be done in Aston - a lot of the hard work, so to speak. But a new atmosphere, a new place, and it's good for me because I didn't want to get stuck in one spot, so coming home is good, back and forth, you know, where my roots are.

The first Knightfall story is four issues, and it is extremely focused and intense. People who have read, say, the 'Cats In the Cradle' arc in 'Secret Six' will get some idea of the primal tone of this story. It doesn't let up at all, and it ends in a new place.

I like any story that starts one place and really takes a huge journey to a whole new place; that people in their life want to take that journey. They want to be able to find things in their life that aren't working and work through them to a new place of change.

I always wanted to be that guy who pushed the envelope in all kind of ways and tried something new. When I keep that rule going, it always takes me to a new place. There are times when I fail miserably, but I always find myself knowing one more thing better, doing one more thing that I never did before.

I want to explore a new place each year, and it can be within India. When I was shooting for 'Mohenjo Daro', I couldn't travel out of the country for two years. But it gave me an opportunity to explore new places within India. I'm sure there are so many places to explore in India, and I would love to go there.

Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us. Let's not be afraid to receive each day's surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity.

Besides acting, I love reading books, dancing, singing, and following a few sports. My favorite sport is tennis. I love travelling, and I see a new place every year. Luckily, my job helps me do that very easily. In my spare time, I also spend time watching English TV shows like 'Grey's Anatomy,' 'Modern Family,' 'House MD' and a few others.

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