I was born nine months premature.

I haven't been with a woman in nine months.

I did sit on Jonathan's head in the womb for nine months.

I lived in Paris for about nine months. It was an experience.

I graduated law school nine months pregnant and didn't take a job.

My brother Jim and I shared a womb without a view for nine months.

It took me nine months to write 60 pages. It was very frustrating.

The best gift you can give a baby is a full nine months of pregnancy.

Doing a series of 'Facejacker' takes about nine months. It's pretty intense.

What I like about writing novels is that I'm in my own world for nine months.

I made $400.00 a week for my tenure at GLOW. I was there for about nine months.

Omar Sharif and I spent nine months in the desert, day after day for nine months.

I was on 'Search for Tomorrow' for about nine months, then 'Another World' for two years.

When I was in juniors, I was fighting twice a year and going nine months without fighting.

I went to Queen's University Belfast and stayed nine months, then I ran away to be an actor.

We began a series of court battles for nine months, while I was attending classes by telephone.

I spend eight to nine months working abroad and cram in a holiday when I have the odd week off.

Women have nine months more experience than you do - nine months to prepare for being a parent.

There's a reason women are pregnant for nine months; by the end, you're ready to have this baby.

The adoption process was not an easy one. The paperwork took nine months. It's a full-time thing!

I wrote and recorded 'Outside the War' and 'Run from the Races' while I was nine months pregnant.

In the Asian marketplace, we need to come out with products every nine months, not every two years.

The idea of being able to polish something for nine months - it's the perfect way to hone your film.

I need six weeks of rehearsal and women need nine months and it took me 15 years to figure that out.

Being injured for nine months, it felt like a breeze to me mentally - nothing was really too difficult.

I think I took eight or nine months to make 'Immunity.' I just focused on mainly that, and it felt amazing.

In 1992, we did $1.1 billion in revenues. In the first nine months of 1993, we did just under $1.2 billion.

I'm so thankful that there are people willing to do that - to actually carry a child nine months for someone.

I worked as a janitor in Canada for nine months. It's during that time when I experienced extreme homesickness.

The newness effect of a new thing wears off in nine months to a year, but financial security can last a lifetime.

Except during the nine months before he draws his first breath, no man manages his affairs as well as a tree does.

I think we're in the beginning of a bull market. When a bull market begins, nine months later the economy turns around.

I went to acting school, but only for nine months. If you're an actor, you know, don't really need to learn how to do it.

It took us nine months to write 'The East'; we didn't start writing it on the computer until seven and a half months into it.

It generally takes me about nine months from the point the book is conceived to the point my editor sends it off to be typeset.

Winters are so long in northern Michigan - nearly nine months of gray skies and deep snow - that summer comes as a fresh burst.

I was making $50 a week as a house model at Christian Dior for nine months before I learned that photographic models made $50 an hour!

I played the guitar in ninth grade. My sister's friend went on a semester abroad, and she left the guitar at our house for nine months.

When I got pregnant, I had to concentrate on being pregnant for a whole nine months, even though I knew it was ruining my career at the time.

Before recording my 'Homeland' audition on my iPhone in my bedroom in Streatham, I hadn't worked or had an audition in the U.K. for nine months.

In nine months, a group of children left alone with a computer - in any language - would reach the same standard as an office secretary in the West.

Am I willing to go to Mars? Yes, but I'm not willing to spend nine months getting there, then wait 18 more months until the planets align to come home.

Especially during the first nine months, there was so much going on with trying to hire 55 people to run the city, it was hard to imagine any honeymoon.

My parents got divorced when I was nine months old, and my father would only pop in and see me once a year, if that. I don't have much contact with him.

We were in the Arabian Desert for nine months. And I was having the time of my life. It could have been an archeological expedition, a military expedition.

When you work with the same people for 10 years, they become family. Now when I see them - it might not be for nine months - but when I see them, it's great.

I know there are things I did in education that will never be reversed. I have not done that in film yet because I have only been here for about nine months.

Waterworld was the best time of my life. It was physically demanding, but it was fun. I mean, you're in Hawaii for nine months shooting on the water every day.

When EA acquired Bullfrog there were, like, 35 people, and within nine months there were 200. And any feeling of culture and inventiveness was diluted by that.

Nothing is cut while I'm shooting. I edit between nine months and a year, and usually have around 80 hours of footage I have to get down to an 82-minute movie.

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