Exported revolution is nonsense.

Buddhas don't practice nonsense.

Platonic love is platonic nonsense.

A goal without a method is nonsense.

The market for nonsense is infinite.

All voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.

I just don't stand for any nonsense.

Well, India is a country of nonsense

Nonsense makes the heart grow fonder.

There's too many people in the world.

Nonsense, seems to sum up everything.

I really don't have time for nonsense.

I have not yet begun to defile myself.

Beauty should be edible, or not at all.

Poetry is a kind of ingenious nonsense.

It is a ruined-world, a nonsense-place.

Good nonsense is good sense in disguise.

Even God has been defended with nonsense.

One man’s nonsense is another man’s sense.

September is pantyhose month. No nonsense.

Stop your nonsense and drink your whiskey!

Stop the nonsense about 'student-athlete.'

The nonsense that charms is close to sense.

Nonsense and beauty have close connections.

Nonsense is socially OK, but not stupidity.

A lot of things the press say are nonsense.

As charms are nonsense, nonsense is a charm.

Now, one cannot read nonsense with impunity.

I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells.

It takes a heap of sense to write good nonsense

Nine-tenths of all existing books are nonsense.

It's all romanticism, nonsense, rottenness, art.

I tried to swallow his nonsense without choking.

Life's nonsense pierces us with strange relation.

Rugby is a nonsense, but a very serious nonsense.

Bureaucratic nonsense at airports drives me crazy.

I just love well-organized, very serious nonsense.

I must say the idea of a United Africa was nonsense.

I'm a quick wit, straight to the point, no nonsense.

Millions for nonsense, but not one cent for entropy.

Dive bars are much more my thing. They're no-nonsense.

American freedom consists largely in talking nonsense.

The more sparingly we make use of nonsense, the better.

Do 40 hard minutes, not an hour and a half of nonsense.

All this talk about inspiration and moment is nonsense.

Most science fiction, quite frankly, is silly nonsense.

It is nonsense to say that Germans are unable to change.

Poetry is a kind of ingenious nonsense (Spence, Anecdotes

Nonsense remains nonsense even when we talk it about God.

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense.

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