I am such a Pacific Northwest girl.

I like the whole Pacific Northwest.

I love the house in 'North by Northwest.'

Seaplanes are like the taxis of the Pacific Northwest.

The Northwest is in better shape than it was eight years ago.

The Northwest Passage is Canadian. People can't just abuse it.

I grew up about 60 miles northwest of New York, in Middletown, NY.

'North by Northwest' was a big influence for 'The Bourne Identity.'

The Snake and Columbia river system is vital to the Pacific Northwest.

House passage is good news for the Northwest corner and our environment.

The Pacific Northwest depends on inexpensive renewable energy from our dams.

In the night there's sometimes a sort of cursed quality to the Pacific Northwest.

I'm from outside Philadelphia, a town called Wayne, which is, like, 25 minutes northwest.

I was very thin, exceedingly thin. If you look at 'North By Northwest,' you'll get a clue.

I'm from the East Coast, and so therefore, the Pacific Northwest forest is very exotic land to me.

The Pacific Northwest, and particularly Whidbey Island, is extremely suited to be a location in a novel.

It has to be because unemployment problems in northwest Indiana are similar to those in southeast Chicago.

I didn't really grow up listening to blues, because I grew up in the Northwest. It wasn't really the center for blues.

They're each on separate coasts but I think that the deep Maine woods shares some similarities to the Pacific Northwest.

The Northwest, to make a generalization, is a fairly sensitive populace. Slightly self-conscious and very self-reflexive.

I'm from Oakland and San Francisco, so I feel like the Pacific Northwest starts there and goes north - so, it's home to me.

Coming out of the Northwest and that environment to shoot hip-hop videos, it's a little atypical of a place to be, you know.

When I started watching movies, I saw a lot of Hitchcock films. When I was 10, I saw 'North by Northwest' and movies like that.

I found myself drawn to the remote Kimberley region of Australia - in the far Northwest corner of the country - our last frontier.

In the spring of 1984, I went to the northwest of France, to Normandy, to prepare an NBC documentary on the 40th anniversary of D-Day.

I arrived in Spain at three years old when my dad played in Valencia. Then we spent a lot of time in Vigo in the northwest part of Spain.

My husband hailed from Dagenham; he's an Essex boy. Me myself, I come from Derry City in the northwest of Ireland, so we love to get back.

I met a person on my rural tour in northwest Wisconsin who said to me, 'I feel politically homeless.' And we need to re-engage that person.

The thing about people from Chicago and the Northwest suburbs is that they're very cocky. I think that serves us well in the show business world.

I prefer to be a mother in the Pacific Northwest! I grew up outside of Seattle and personally find it to be the most beautiful place in the world.

My ancestors are Highland Scots, and my father's home in north Alabama is so much like northwest Arkansas. I have the same allergies in both places.

Alaska Airlines and I have a lot in common, so coming together to delight travelers with savory, high quality food from the Pacific Northwest made sense.

Not considering this opening worthy of more attention, I continued our pursuit to the Northwest, being desirous to embrace the advantages of the prevailing breeze.

I grew up in the Northwest, so I was always a really big Sonics fan. I loved Gary Payton, Shawn Kemp, a lot of those players who were really good through the '90s.

Well, I think breathing life into the Endangered Species Act, taking those wolves back into Yellowstone, restoring the salmon in the rivers of the Pacific Northwest.

We depend on our rivers and dams for energy, transportation, irrigation and recreation and I will continue this year to fight for what's best for the Pacific Northwest.

The metaphor of the subterranean is at work in a lot of Northwest writers and artists. Zooming in closer and closer and closer, then below, to the worms and the centipede.

'North by Northwest' took two and a half to three months to film. When I look back, I realise I wasn't intimidated by Hitchcock and Cary Grant. They were so accepting of me.

We lived in a one-bedroom apartment in Northwest D.C. I was essentially raised by a Panamanian man and a Jamaican woman. That's why I have such a fascination with Jamaican food.

My first year of pro ball I played in the Northwest league and made the all-star team, and the next year I played I led the team in hitting and was third or fifth in the league.

When you sign on to be an activist in northwest Montana, people in the grocery store will avoid eye contact, particularly if they're hanging out with outspoken opponents to your views.

Anyone who has been to India - specifically Rajasthan, the rich and kingly region in the country's northwest - knows that when it comes to adornment, Indians do not think like other people.

It never dawned on me that I had the option of becoming a comedian. I come from a little dirt street town in northwest Texas, and they really don't talk about the arts there much on career day.

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, where it's all about being comfortable. I try to bring that undercurrent to what I do. It's great to have beautiful, dressed-up clothes that still feel casual.

I grew up in northwest London on a council estate. My parents are Irish immigrants who came over here when they were very young and worked in menial jobs all their lives, and I'm one of many siblings.

Every vice president since Mondale has lived up on this hill, on the twelve-acre campus of the Naval Observatory in Northwest Washington. It's a pretty house with a wraparound porch and a white turret.

When I came to the Pacific Northwest, it was a dream come true for me, you know? I wrestled there every Saturday and then, on the weekends, we drove all around Oregon. The weather was great and I loved it.

I don't think I would live outside of the Northwest. I think the quality of life in Portland is really good. People move from intense, high-powered jobs, and move to Portland, work half as much and live twice as good.

Northwest Ohio is flat. There isn't much up. The land is so flat that a child from Toledo is under the impression that the direction hills go is down. Sledding is done down from street level into creek beds and road cuts.

I found myself drawn to the remote Kimberley region of Australia - in the far Northwest corner of the country - our last frontier. I still can't explain why. I kept coming back over many years and started shooting material.

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