In my life, the sky is literally the ceiling.

I loved 'Top Gun.' I watched it all growing up.

I don't have chips on my shoulders, I have bricks.

Later in life, I'd like to end up doing air races.

Seaplanes are like the taxis of the Pacific Northwest.

The best way to motivate me is to tell me I can't do something.

I don't give people time to start talking junk, because I say something to them first.

When I was younger, I could carry 270 around and run go routes, and it was no big deal.

Whenever you don't catch a ball in a game, you really find out who loves you and who doesn't.

We play a contact sport, and it's aggressive, and you have to be aggressive in everything you do.

My knee injury was something serious. To go six months before I could even jog is pretty serious.

I'm the type of guy who, right as I'm taking off, I'm deciding, 'Hey, where do I want to go today?'

The first four years of my career, I never complained. I never demanded. I never said anything about money.

In my life, there have been a lot of people who weren't there for me, so to now have people counting on me is awesome.

Always felt like I did things right, always felt like I did things for the community and did everything well in New Orleans.

New Orleans has these older orange lightbulbs, which are really gorgeous. But the main thing that stands out is actually the Superdome.

I'm a fairly emotional guy and a fairly kind of aggressive player who some people - especially defensive guys - don't like on the field.

Every one tells me that I'm a pretty fast eater. I'll sit down to a dinner, and I'll finish in two minutes while everyone else will take 30 minutes.

Logistically, moving from Miami and New Orleans all the way to Seattle isn't the easiest thing. Really, for my dog, she was kind of the biggest hurdle to get here.

It can get pretty hectic in New Orleans whenever I go shopping. So I'll fly to Houston, buy my groceries, and then come back - nobody cares there because I'm not J.J. Watt.

In football, you have to look out for yourself and know when that ride is over. That extra inch after you've already got the first down - what's that going to get you? Not much.

If I'm man-to-man with a linebacker, well, that's an automatic win because I can run by him. If I'm one-on-one against a corner, I'm gonna catch it all day, because I'm twice his size.

I'm a multi-racial person - I'm black and white - and growing up in North Carolina, I've dealt with a lot of racism. Growing up as a kid, I've seen it. I've been through it in many forms and fashions.

Learning how to walk again was a process for me. It was some of the darker days of my life, but I've had many moments of my life where I've had to just kind of put my head down and work, and this was no different.

I got into college, and a gentleman gave me a ride in a plane, and he flipped it upside down so we're inverted flying, like it was nothing, and from that moment forward, I fell in love with it. I said, 'I've got to learn this; I've got to do this.'

I don't care if you're purple. If you're making a catch or going to go down, you could be silver. I couldn't care less, if you're making those plays for the team. If you're a selfless player, nobody pays attention to that at all. White, black, silver, pink, it doesn't matter to me.

For me, trying the NFL and trying this football thing, because of the home and what I went through in there, to me, it was no big deal. It was just another opportunity for me. I didn't see that bigger, grandiose picture of it, I just took it one day at a time, like how I took it in the group home.

For me, I think one of the biggest battles is mentally. You have good days, and you have bad days. Randomly, you'll feel good for weeks, and then all of a sudden, you'll have a bad day where you're really sore. And you end up questioning yourself, like, 'Am I doing the right thing? Why is this so hard?'

Whenever we're all getting ready for a playoff game, you know how serious those games are, and you try to motivate your guys. There's a lot of emotion that goes into those games, and when I play, it's all about winning, and it's all about doing whatever it takes to fire guys up and to get that emotion running.

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