I partnered with AstraZeneca to help launch the 'Mom Nose Best' campaign, where I provide tips for flu season.

A large nose is in fact the sign of an affable man, good, courteous, witty, liberal, courageous, such as I am.

Being a singer, I can easily break facial extremities, but breaking my nose in Luxembourg was extremely painful.

Do people really think that about my nose? I spent my whole life hating it, so it's amusing that people like it!

I like Colbert because he's funny, and he's cool. He knows how to have fun and doesn't stick his nose up to Fox.

It's funny how when your kids get sick, they get even cuter when they have a stuffed nose and they mouth breathe.

My dad liked to boil a squirrel head and suck the brains out the nose. Smaller than a chicken, bigger than a rat.

I love the texture of my skin and I love my freckles and even if my nose gets a little red, I don't mind so much.

For me, one of the privileges of being a writer is to poke your nose around and learn about worlds you don't know.

I used to tell really boring stories as a child, about my toy panda's nose falling off, or something equally dull.

I hate to cook, but I love to eat. I would want to be able to conjure yummy and healthy meals by wiggling my nose!

It takes little talent to see what lies under one's nose, a good deal to know in what direction to point that organ.

All I can do is keep my nose down and shoot the scene, shoot the scene, make it funny, make it funny, make it funny.

Growing up I felt like my nose was big. I was always like, 'I'm going to get a nose job one day'. I'm glad I didn't.

When you first saw 'The Truman Show,' did anyone else walk around for the next week not picking your nose just in case?

The last time I played rugby, I busted my nose bad, and that's incentive not to get down and dirty in the park anymore.

I drink lots of water, and I've been trying to do daily wheatgrass shots, but they're awful, and I have to plug my nose.

I arrived in Hollywood without having my nose fixed, my teeth capped, or my name changed. That is very gratifying to me.

I trained in combat, sword fighting, horse riding... It's empowering knowing that I can a break man's nose with my elbow.

I've always been proud of my body, my Jewish nose and all of that. Hollywood's Hollywood, but that's not going to change.

This hook nose and crab meister attitude has gotten me every job I've ever had. And more divorces than I care to remember.

Muftis and bishops should be like ripe camembert cheeses - a bit on the nose and not for the faint-hearted, but memorable!

A writer is an eternal outsider, his nose pressed against whatever window on the other side of which he sees his material.

Some people think I've had a nose job. I've never had anything like that done, but I have no judgement of anyone that does.

The first skincare product I ever got was nose strips. I was 8 years old, and I was like, 'I want to feel like a grown-up.'

I can't see any difference in having your hair dyed, your teeth fixed, your nose done, or your face smoothed out or lifted.

Sometimes you need to stand with your nose to the window and have a good look at jazz. And I've done that on many occasions.

Indigenous people in films, it's all, like, nose flutes and panpipes and, you know, people talking to ghosts... which I hate.

New York City is a very tough place. I'm tough, too. When people give me a punch in the nose, I react by getting even tougher.

Put your nose into the Bible everyday. It is your spiritual food. And then share it. Make a vow not to be a lukewarm Christian.

Richard Burton came from the same town as me, so I thought I'd follow my nose, and follow my luck. I think I've been very lucky.

I had an older brother that would beat me in everything, and then he would rub my nose in it, and that made me work even harder.

I don't mind getting punched in the nose by a guy standing in front of me. It's getting stabbed in the back that I can't handle.

I'm like the painter with his nose to the canvas, fussing over details. Gazing from a distance, the reader sees the big picture.

You don't have to go fight bulls in Spain like Hemingway to write something great, or go off to war. It's right under your nose.

I really just love reading. It's my favorite thing, performing my poems live. Reading by reading, I just kind of follow my nose.

I had a nice, pert nose but a plain round face and a mop of curly brown hair. That was not the photograph of a successful model.

People say the top part of my face looks like my dad's and the bottom part like my mom's. I have his eyes and her nose and mouth.

I know what it is to win and to lose, and the last thing you want when you've lost is to have a microphone stuck under your nose.

Smelling a crayon takes you right back to childhood. When I need to go back in time, I put it under my nose and take another hit.

The ear disapproves but tolerates certain musical pieces; transfer them into the domain of our nose, and we will be forced to flee.

I know that some people use lavender, incense, and cake as sedatives, but for me, a 'nose bath' in an old book just does something.

I swear my car won't run unless I'm picking my nose: At least, I'm that superstitious about it, so I don't want to take any chances.

I used to dress up and impersonate our next-door neighbor, Miss Cox. She wore rubber boots, a wool hat, and her nose always dripped.

It is difficult to master the skill of scoring runs from a 90mph delivery that is dug into your armpit or is fizzing past your nose.

I guess I'm just not the film femme fatale type. I giggle too much. I have freckles and a turned-up nose, and I walk like an athlete.

Facebook it turns out, is like MySpace but it's not scary. There aren't a lot of angry looking people with nose rings and um, issues.

I'm not the guy with the enormous comedy nose or the big feet or the bad posture or the whatever; a physical comic has certain things.

I don't know about you, but I can tell when someone's lying. They can't look you in the eye - they look you in the bridge of your nose.

You may tell a man thou art a fiend, but not your nose wants blowing; to him alone who can bear a thing of that kind, you may tell all.

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