Kisses honeyed by oblivion.

Oblivion cures the old wounds.

What's the Matter with the Mill?

Apathy is a sort of living oblivion.

Among our crimes oblivion may be set.

Ignorance is not bliss - it is oblivion.

We are an episode between two oblivions.

Death promises nothing--not even oblivion.

Oblivion seemed the only reasonable option.

You can't be saved, oblivion is all you crave.

Oblivion waits without beckoning or threatening.

Everybody dies, Sally. The thing is to die well.

Oblivion is the flower that grows best on graves.

Human destiny is an episode between two oblivions.

The future is a choice between Utopia and oblivion.

Death is the stone into which our oblivion hardens.

Blue oblivion, largely lit, smiled and smiled at me.

It's calm under the waves in the blue of my oblivion.

oblivion has been noticed as the offspring of silence.

Oblivion is the rule and fame the exception, of humanity.

To think about "oblivion" is to think about "what art is".

We must identify our enemies and drive them into oblivion.

And what importance do I have in the courtroom of oblivion?

The only solution to the issue of human rights is oblivion.

I pursue God on a daily basis, I'm not stepping into oblivion.

The one stroke marks the difference between fame and oblivion.

I gratefully look forward to oblivion, but I must be sure of it

God has no power over the past except to cover it with oblivion.

It was hard saying goodbye to that oblivion they call childhood.

I gratefully look forward to oblivion, but I must be sure of it.

Lay silently the injuries you receive upon the altar of oblivion.

Many actors come and disappear into oblivion. But not Salman Khan.

A wholesome oblivion of one's neighbours is the beginning of wisdom.

And if I drink oblivion of a day, / So shorten I the stature of my soul.

Most new books drop immediately into the oblivion they so richly deserve.

People come to music to seek oblivion: is that not also a form of deception?

... the current of time slowing down in the gravitational field of oblivion.

Words were the only net to catch a mood, the only sure weapon against oblivion.

I made up my mind I was going to walk that thin line between fame and oblivion.

Time is the River on which the leaves of our thoughts are carried into oblivion.

There is nothing so entirely desirable in all the world as a few hours oblivion.

There is a law of time, a law of oblivion: glory to the dead; life to the living.

Ultimately life is disease, death and oblivion. It's still better than high school.

Just because you're living in blissful oblivion doesn't mean you're not responsible.

I'm very happy to have a small, long, career instead of one big hit and then oblivion.

There never was a democracy yet where the people didn't vote themselves into oblivion.

For sure I once thought of myself as the poet who would save the ordinary from oblivion.

If you concern yourself with remaining relevant, you'll probably disappear into oblivion.

I surf because it keeps my life at an even keel, without it I would tip into the oblivion.

Death! It is rest to the aged, it is oblivion to the atheist, it is immortality to the poet!

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