I think I don't regret a single 'excess' of my responsive youth - I ...

I think I don't regret a single 'excess' of my responsive youth - I only regret, in my chilled age, certain occasions and possibilities I didn't embrace.

Woolsey bites on occasion

Courage mounteth with occasion.

"Time" does not mean "occasion."

Life is an occasion...rise to it.

Your life is an occasion. Rise to it.

I've been homeless on a few occasions.

I've been shot at on numerous occasions.

Use the occasion, for it passes swiftly.

I didn't realize this was a sad occasion.

The keen spirit seizes the prompt occasion.

Be firm or mild as the occasion may require.

It's the occasion that makes the revolution.

Each day is an occasion to reinvent ourselves

I had no occasion for an apron on that morning.

It is sweet to let the mind unbend on occasion.

Any time I get to go home is a joyous occasion.

The Memorial Dedication was a momentous occasion

What living occasion can, Be just to the absent?

There are occasions on which all apology is rudeness.

Expect the best and people will rise to the occasion.

The insane, on occasion, are not without their charms.

Sure, occasion is the father of most that is good in us.

I have thought that I have seen ghosts on many occasions.

…on some occasions, women, like dreams, go by contraries.

Anytime you get men in glitter, it's a flamboyant occasion!

I did deranged quite well, when the occasion called for it.

On no further occasion present a flag or medal to an Indian.

To each thing belongs it's measure. Occasion is best to know.

Always remember to bound thy thoughts to the present occasion.

Courage is to take hard knocks like a man when occasion calls.

I only wish Chet Atkins could be here for this joyous occasion.

Opportunity: A favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment.

I will ride my luck on occasion, but I like to pick the occasion.

Gluttony and surfeiting are no proper occasions for thanksgiving.

You can make anything into a special occasion and dress up for it

Over the holidays is when I have the most occasions to cook and bake.

Judgment is not upon all occasions required, but discretion always is.

To dream on occasion is not dreaming, To love on occasion is not love.

A great man is made up of qualities that meet or make great occasions.

No man is sane who does not know how to be insane on proper occasions.

For special occasions, I love pretty dresses - but nothing too frou-frou!

Occasions are rare; and those, who know how to seize upon them, are rarer.

I'm not a comedian. I'm an actor who just happens to be funny on occasion.

HATRED, n. A sentiment appropriate to the occasion of another's superiority.

I have referred to myself as an accidental activist on more than one occasion.

I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions.

Perhaps there really are occasions in life when it’s best not to say anything.

All men are evil and will declare themselves to be so when occasion is offered.

The instability of our tastes is the occasion of the irregularity of our lives.

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