Nobody makes movies like Oliver Stone.

It was a challenge, to work with Oliver Stone.

I had a hard time calling Laurence Oliver 'Larry.'

My first performance was as one of the orphans in 'Oliver!'

Jamie Oliver's books are the best. I love Jamie. Bless him!

My first film crush was Mark Lester as Oliver Twist in the Carol Reed film.

I think the first role I ever played was Mr. Bumble in a production of 'Oliver.'

People say I'm like a cross between Jamie Oliver, Russell Brand and Mr Motivator.

Oliver Stone's strategy is to unnerve the actors so as to make them alert and alive.

Would we even recognize an Oliver Stone production if it didn't kick up the usual fuss?

I love how Jamie Oliver makes seasonal, local foods in a rustic way, without a lot of fuss.

I drink tea like Oliver Reed used to drink beer. I must get through about 12 to 15 cups a day.

I loved doing 'Frisky Business.' I didn't come up with it. I think John Oliver and the writers did.

I feel like any time John Oliver is added to something, the comedy is instantly there. He's so funny.

I met Michael Milken for the first time with Oliver Stone at the Drexel Burnham offices in Los Angeles.

I've become friends with Michael Mann and Oliver Stone; I've seen those guys work and that was great to see.

Oliver Kahn against Valencia in 2001 - this was the first Champions League game I remember. I was a Bayern fan.

Maybe Oliver Stone doesn't lend himself well to remakes or sequels, because he does them so well the first time.

I like American late-night shows, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver and Bill Maher - I've got them all on series link.

If you're not authentic you get found out. You wouldn't watch Jamie Oliver if you found out he couldn't boil the egg.

I had a dog named Oliver with severe separation anxiety. He couldn't be alone... so I had to bring him wherever I went.

The good ones push their luck to the limit - like Laurence Oliver. As actor and director, he will go just as far as he can.

I have mainly come from a theatre background, I did 'Oliver' here I played the Artful Dodger and I did 'The Sound of Music.'

When Oliver Stone and Woody Allen came forward to express sympathy for Mr. Weinstein, everybody rolled their eyes at them, too.

What I need to do is establish myself as Oliver Burke and not as the new Gareth Bale. To do that I need to work hard in La Liga.

I started off in sports centers with no promoter, no TV, no backing, just me, my bag and Oliver Harrison, having to sell tickets.

I'm a big fan of Jamie Oliver, and I've got all of his books. His recipe for peas with white wine and bacon is one of my favourites.

My drummer, Gene Lake, is Oliver Lake's son. So I certainly have wide tastes, in not only what I listen to, but what I play as well.

And Oliver North was really a good soldier, up to the last moment, shoving memos into the shredder and defending the policy to the end.

People think I got rich out of 'Swan ,but I didn't at all: it's the royalties from 'Oliver' and 'My Fair Lady' that have kept me going.

In some ways we describe 'Boxtrolls' as 'Oliver Twist' if Terry Gilliam had made it. I think he's an extraordinary artist, and animator.

I was very happy to learn Oliver Stone had decided to make a film about Edward Snowden and believe this is a powerful and inspiring film.

Stark was my late Grandmother's maiden name. When I joined the acting union in the UK 'Oliver Jones' was taken so I had to come up with something else!

I grew up in Queens, and part of my birthday gift, always, was a Saturday matinee of whatever hit musical there was. When I was three, I saw 'Oliver!'.

For delightfully quirky descriptions of bizarre neurological syndromes that teach us a lot about how the brain works, there is no match for Oliver Sacks.

'Swan,' by Mary Oliver. Poems and prose. Reading from this book is as if visiting a very wise friend. There is wisdom and welcoming kindness on every page.

Even in my genre, cookery, just look who gets on the television. Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay, Nigel Slater. All very nice men. All white middleflclass men.

I went to see Oliver Stone's 'Heaven & Earth,' which I thought was a wonderful movie, but I walked out because I was so moved. It was too painful to watch.

I love Russell Crowe's line to Oliver Reed in 'Gladiator' where he asks him, 'Are you in danger of becoming a good man?' It's one of my favorite lines ever.

I was about ten when I first got laughs playing Fagin in 'Oliver' at junior school in Offerton. It was the best feeling in the world, and I didn't want it to end.

Everybody, I think, who hopes to become a judge would aspire to be able to write as well as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. None are going to be able to attain that.

In 1994 the U.S. Court of Appeals decided in the case of Oliver North to permit the release of grand jury evidence, because it had already been so thoroughly leaked.

Oliver Sacks remains my hero to this day. He was one of the first medical writers I read. The other was Lewis Thomas, who is no longer alive but is just heroic to me.

When I first started reading poetry, all the poets I read - Edgar Allan Poe, Oliver Wendell Holmes, John Greenleaf Whittier - were rhyme poets. That's what captured me.

Coming into the league, everyone said I was going to be fat, I was the next Oliver Miller. I had all these red flags. I just feel I was never given a fair chance coming in.

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow is a character whose core is about legacy and responsibility. And that all comes from his father and the responsibilities of living up to his legacy.

When I worked on 'The Daily Show,' we had some puppets made of myself, John Oliver, and Jon Stewart. When I left the show, I stole the puppet. I took what was rightfully mine.

Oliver Reed was a great man who did things his own way. He used to come into Harveys, my restaurant in Wandsworth, and sit on the floor to have a drink before going to the table.

As much as I hate his movies, Oliver Stone has an aspiration I admire, and that is that he wants his art to be part of what makes and changes public policy and cultural practice.

I enjoy sports. I get a real joy from playing sports but I don't look for those movies. Oliver Stone wanted to know if I would do Any Given Sunday and it just didn't appeal to me.

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