Organizations are no longer built on force, but on trust.

I abominate any organization that denies cats are people!

The visible world is the invisible organization of energy.

The White House is a huge organization, first and foremost.

There is no growth except in the fulfillment of obligations.

Strategic quitting is the secret of successful organizations

For a large organization to be effective, it must be simple.

Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under-led.

United decidedly is not an innovative, adaptive organization.

We need to defeat al Queda and other terrorist organizations.

If you want to learn about an organization, try to change it.

Routine is not organization, any more than paralysis is order.

Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything.

Just media alone is not enough. You have to have organization.

Organization charts and fancy titles count for next to nothing.

Every organization, no matter who it is, just follow the money.

Company culture is the backbone of any successful organization.

It's been a long time coming. But I know a change is gonna come

In a volunteer organization there has to be time for community.

Al-Qaida is a worldwide organization. It's a continuous threat.

An organization cannot increase its productivity-but people can!

As it goes with leaders, so it goes with the whole organization.

Co-leadership should permeate every organization at every level.

Specialization and organization are the basis of human progress.

I don't trust an organization that would make policy out of fear.

The Mozilla Foundation is an independent, nonprofit organization.

Organizations should say and do the things they ACTUALLY believe.

The organization of information actually creates new information.

I think the culture and DNA of our organization is to take risks.

I've learned time management, organization and I have priorities.

Your organization will take on the personality of its top leaders

Political organizations are formed to keep the powerful in power.

I don't have much of an organization at all. I listen to my heart.

What you say in advertising is more important than how you say it.

In most organizations, the bottleneck is at the top of the bottle.

Successful organizations have one common central focus: Customers.

I won't belong to any organization that would have me as a member.

A democratic organization has to dare to do the right at all costs.

Organizations are, in the last analysis, interactions among people.

Your organization can start tweeting, but that wont change its DNA.

It takes time for people to get to know a cause or an organization.

History is organized memory, and the organization is all important!

There is no such thing as an unimportant person in an organization.

Again, I maintain that no organization can lead man to spirituality.

there should be a place for everything, and everything in its place.

Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders live to serve. Period.

Politics... have always been the systematic organization of hatreds.

Let there be no mistake, Hamas is a ruthless terrorist organization.

Most organizations staff their problems & starve their opportunities.

The only difference between a mob and a trained army is organization.

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