Who are we to trust if not our family?

You become an artist to upset your family.

We grew up with so much love in our family.

Music has been in our family for generations.

We never had any silk sheets in our family...

Our family life was certainly not intellectual.

You know what, we're very skinny in our family.

Politics was sort of a way of life in our family.

Is it really selling out if it feeds your family?

In our family we don't divorce our men - we bury them.

Even then, our family was extraordinary, with ten kids.

We can choose our family. We can't choose our relatives.

Friends are what God gives you to make up for your family.

Friends are God's way of apologizing to us for our families

You have to stay true to your true friends and your family.

Anyone who knows our family knows this: we eat ALL the time!

The hardest part is to travel, and to be away from your family.

When you're close to your family, you want to be close to them.

Our job is, first and foremost, to make sure our family is whole.

Personally, fame never really played any part in our family life.

I think charity begins with your family and you take it from there.

The only luxury is time. The time you get to spend with your family.

It destroys you when people say complete mistruths about your family.

As long as we can remember them, our families will always be with us.

It's possible to be completely enlightened... except with your family.

Treat people you do business with as if they were a part of your family.

Never perform for your family. They either laugh too hard or not at all.

In our family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing.

You have to tease your family. You tease the ones that you're closest to.

I learned from Francis Ford Coppola to treat the company like your family.

There's a lot of psychological material that you inherit from your family.

I think your values are always influenced by your family and your community.

If you can feed your family, give them an education, then you are a success.

I will never put anybody before my family because your family is your family.

My jobs often end up being our family vacations, and so far it has been great.

Never be too absorbed by your own ambitions to encourage those of your family.

Reach out, call your family members, if you have children, call them right now.

This rule is so underrated: Keep your family and business completely separated.

You are never more like Christ than when you love, pray for & serve your family.

Everything in our family was always boxing. It was the life my father chose for me.

You don’t pick your family, you take what you’re given and you make the best of it.

I do believe in standing up for what you believe in and your family and your friends.

Ridley and I talk every day. Our family is very close because were from North England.

You can no longer save your family, tribe or nation. You can only save the whole world.

It's broadening. You meet people in your family you'd never happen to run into otherwise.

When you value your family over anything else you're always going in the right direction.

It's not that our family has no taste, it's just that our family's taste is inconsistent.

We might, either of us, be Queen of England and yet we'll always be nothing to our family.

I've been through really trying experiences personally, and your family is who you turn to.

I will always stand up and fight for you and fight for your jobs and fight for your families.

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