There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.

God removes the sin of the one who makes humble confession, and thereby the devil loses the sovereignty he had gained over the human heart.

I've been broke and sad, rich and sad, broke and happy, rich and happy, and I'll take the rich version over the broke version all day long.

All parents all over the world want their children to lead a better life than themselves, but they need to believe that change is possible.

I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness.

Every test, every trial, every heartache that's been significant, I can turn it over and see how God has turned it into good no matter what.

I'd marry again if I found a man who had fifteen million dollars, would sign over half to me, and guarantee that he'd be dead within a year.

Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy, but in passing it over, he is superior; for it is a prince's part to pardon.

Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.

As I get older, the more I stay focused on the acceptance of myself and others, and choose compassion over judgment and curiosity over fear.

The car industry has invested a lot in hybrid, but my opinion is electric cars will take over a lot of hybrids quicker than people think now.

This disease, called COVID 19, will be over much sooner than you think. Christian people all over this country, praying, have overwhelmed it.

All over the world the wildlife that I write about is in grave danger. It is being exterminated by what we call the progress of civilization.

Old age is not a disease - it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trials and illnesses.

Most families like to spend time bonding over meals out, picnics in the country, maybe weekend camping trips - we take things to the extreme!

Just be funny. Funny always goes over well, so try to think of something funny to break the ice rather than being weird or using pickup lines.

Power acquired by violence is only a usurpation, and lasts only as long as the force of him who commands prevails over that of those who obey.

In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves... self-discipline with all of them came first.

Like a shipwreck or a jetty, almost anything that forms a structure in the ocean, whether it is natural or artificial over time, collects life.

In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it.

I think that you can disagree with people and debate over their positions with issues without engaging in the politics of personal destruction.

I started a company in 2005 for language services called Blue Elephant. We handle translation and interpretation services in over 120 languages.

It is only the impossible that is possible for God. He has given over the possible to the mechanics of matter and the autonomy of his creatures.

In this world, with thy earthly life, thou art under heaven, stars, and elements, also under hell and devils; all ruleth in thee, and over thee.

I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center.

Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail.

If you understand hallucination and illusion, you don't blindly follow any leader. You must know if the person is sane or insane, over the abyss.

Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.

Success doesn't happen quickly. It happens from doing the same thing over and over, becoming great at it, and delivering great value to consumers.

Walking is my main method of relaxation. I don't go over my lines or try to solve the world's problems, I just enjoy the scenery and the wildlife.

I was already writing poetry, so I transitioned from writing poetry a cappella to writing over beats, and it was way more exciting to me that way.

I did not lose myself all at once. I rubbed out my face over the years washing away my pain, the same way carvings on stone are worn down by water.

What people don't realize is that professionals are sensational because of the fundamentals. The sensationalism has taken over the professionalism.

My school days were the happiest days of my life; which should give you some indication of the misery I've endured over the past twenty-five years.

'Chasing Fire' is about fighting for something that's already over. It's the beginning of the end. It's desperation. It's grand. But it's hopeless.

Only one player is not important. The most important thing is the squad, and it's important to be together. You can't just lose it over one player.

No excuses and no sob stories. Life is full of excuses if you're looking. I have no time to gripe over misfortune. I don't waste time looking back.

The older Mercedes is absolutely beautiful. It's got that lovely purring feeling as the engine ticks over, which you just don't get in a modern car.

I would rather die and come to Jesus Christ than be king over the entire earth. Him I seek who died for us; Him I love who rose again because of us.

He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for everyone has need to be forgiven.

We'll sort of get over the marriage first and then maybe look at the kids. But obviously we want a family so we'll have to start thinking about that.

I like vintage stores - all over the world. I have a little collection of my favorite stores here and there. Other than that, I love online shopping.

When men I have dated over the years whined about, 'Oh, you make no time for me' - see ya! I just dumped them. I don't need that pressure in my life.

A circle is the reflection of eternity. It has no beginning and it has no end - and if you put several circles over each other, then you get a spiral.

If you have the ability to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and start over, you come out stronger because you learn from whatever mistakes you made.

Staying married may have long-term benefits. You can elicit much more sympathy from friends over a bad marriage than you ever can from a good divorce.

American politics used to be an amateur sport. But somewhere along the way, we handed over to professionals all the things people used to do for free.

Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever.

If you don't give power to the words that people throw at you to hurt you, they don't hurt you anymore. And you actually have power over those people.

Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose, and of action over a long period of time.

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