I just play an overall game.

I gotta work on my overall game.

Overall, people are reading less.

Overall, I'm not upset at the press.

Orange is my favorite color overall.

Gut health is the key to overall health.

The overall policing budget is protected.

I'm overall a big fan of President Obama.

I wanted to be the Number 1 overall pick.

I am overall optimistic about India's growth.

I'm an overall sound fighter, a boxer-puncher.

I'm really not worried about my image overall.

The World Cup has not been kind to us overall.

The one overall structure in my plays is language.

Overall, I'm quite good with how I spend my cashola.

Overall there's going to be things I'm not great at.

Music in general is looking for something new overall.

Critics have done the wine industry a lot of good overall.

The benefits of a universal basic income overall are huge.

What matters most is your overall way of eating and living.

I will go off at times. Overall, I'm a pretty good teammate.

Interest rates are used to achieve overall economic stability.

Divestment measures would improve overall banking sector health.

I'm boring. I'm also a bit reticent and shy but very calm overall.

My overall look on things is a lot more mature than it used to be.

Overall, I think I'm just lucky, and I hope I continue to be lucky.

Overall, women are a lot more fun to work with than a bunch of men.

Some moments I feel sad, some moments I'm happy. Overall, I'm proud.

No fighter has more fundamentals and overall skill than Danny Garcia.

The reason we're successful, darling? My overall charisma, of course.

You have to have an overall vision of how you want people to see you.

My overall goal is to level the playing field for American businesses.

'Last Man Standing' is overall a lot of comedy. And I love doing that.

An overall title is one of the biggest things you can win in our sport.

Overall, I try to have five small meals a day to keep my metabolism up.

The influence of blogging is overall a very positive force in the media.

We play so hard and overall the Olympics are such a positive experience.

I've been doing a lot of deadlifting and squatting for overall strength.

A song's lyrics can't be held culprit for the overall change in society.

My ambition is to contribute my quota to the overall success of the team.

I still have many goals left, especially the Overall World Cup standings.

There is an overall seriousness in tone that pervades 'To The 5 Boroughs.'

President Obama has his faults, but overall, I think, is a good president.

Overall, there is very little in my life I enjoy more than college football.

Overall I enjoy a certain anonymity. I live a very normal, very ordinary life.

Mohamed Salah is the best footballer in the world and an overall perfect person.

Nuclear energy, in terms of an overall safety record, is better than other energy.

All peoples have contributed to the overall progress and enhancement of human life.

Real politics should work for the long-term and overall interests of the community.

I think more people overall are going to come out to vote for Donald Trump in 2020.

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