An oyster may be crossed in love.

Has every oyster a different taste?

Oysters are the devil's food. Not a fan!

My taste includes both snails and oysters.

He was a bold man that first ate an oyster.

An oyster leads a dreadful but exciting life.

I want my food dead. Not sick, not dying, dead.

Poverty and oysters always seem to go together.

The world is my oyster. I can do whatever I like.

The world was my oyster but I used the wrong fork.

Eating a raw oyster is like french kissing a mermaid.

No oyster in the world tastes as good as a Gulf oyster.

We are bound to our bodies like an oyster to its shell.

What strikes the oyster shell doesn't damage the pearl.

Be as bold as the first man or [woman] to eat an oyster.

Minds are like oysters. They spoil if you pry them open.

Except from the Americans—but every pearl has its oyster.

I will not be sworn but love may transform me to an oyster

Never serve oysters in a month that has no paycheck in it.

The pearl on my beloved's neck, Afflicted sore the oyster!

I prefer my oysters fried; that way I know my oysters died.

I think oysters are overrated, and I don't love the texture.

The world is your oyster. It's up to you to find the pearls.

Obviously, if you don't love life, you can't enjoy an oyster.

Life is too short to not have oysters and champagne sometimes

Life is too short to not have oysters and champagne sometimes.

I go into town every day on the tube. I've got an Oyster card.

The two super-powers cannot divide the world into their oyster.

The world is an oyster but you don't crack it open on a mattress

He's simply got the instinct for being unhappy highly developed.

Pearl is a disease of oysters. Levant is a disease of Hollywood.

Any good kitchen should be stocked up in oysters, shouldn't they?

Why, then the world ’s mine oyster, Which I with sword will open.

The world is your oyster... ...too bad you're allergic to shellfish.

I do not weep at the world I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife.

Stop trying to find something in food that will make you feel better.

All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster's autobiography.

I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead. Not sick. Not wounded. Dead.

Get action. Seize the moment. Man was never intended to become an oyster.

Love me some oysters. I always try them in different countries and cities.

I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead - not sick, not wounded - dead.

Poor Britons, there is some good in them after all - they produced an oyster.

Give me oysters and beer, for dinner every day of the year, and I'll be fine.

The Japanese are hard to understand, but once you do the world is your oyster.

The real writer learns nothing from life. He is more like an oyster or a sponge.

Now I'm beginning to live a little and feel less like a sick oyster at low tide.

The world is my oyster. The road is my home. And I know that I'm better off Alone.

As with wine, geography affects the flavor. Oysters are usually named for a locale.

A man may as well open an oyster without a knife, as a lawyer's mouth without a fee.

If that a pearl may in a toad's head dwell, And may be found too in an oyster shell.

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