Meditation is painful in the beginning but it bestows immortal Bliss and supreme joy in the end.

There is no surer or more painful way to learn a rule than to be penalized once for breaking it.

Rather I fear on the contrary that while we banish painful thoughts we may banish memory as well.

In spite of warnings, nothing much happens until the status quo becomes more painful than change.

It's been painful to see the people that you love be attacked when you know it's not fair or true.

I thought that would go without saying, that if a mother gives up her children, it's very painful.

The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you'll never have.

I can't say it's not painful being estranged from most of my family. I wish it could be otherwise.

A girl who is thirteen-which is hard, and difficult, and beautiful, and painful, and exhilarating.

I’ve been feeling something else. Like I’m about to be sucked into something powerful and painful.

Entrepreneurs, guys that start businesses, grow with them. It's more painful than it would appear.

When I was small, my most serious handicap was a painful bashfulness in the presence of strangers.

God intentionally allows you to go through painful experiences to equip you for ministry to others.

When, then, does plunder stop? It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor.

Catholicism is not a soothing religion. It's a painful religion. We're all gluttons for punishment.

Examination of the world without is never as personally painful as examination of the world within.

People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most insignificant success is achieved.

Relationships ending are painful, and you can choose to carry that, or you can choose to reframe it.

My love for the band is still there. It hasn't changed, maybe that's why it's so painful these days.

Stone's Rules exist because sometimes the truth is too painful, and the lies will land you in prison.

I do sometimes painful things to my body in an effort to conform to culturally imposed beauty ideals.

Shame is very painful to endure. For me it makes perfect sense that the character would kill herself.

Hers was a beauty so pure that it was nearly painful to behold--Athena heading out on a Friday night.

The loss of music is very painful, and I don't revisit stuff unless there is a solid reason to do it.

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.

Unrequited affection is very painful for the lover, but it can have unexpected, creative consequences.

It's very painful to be in debt. I'm the kind of person who would rather almost die than go into debt.

Waiting on the Lord is a confident, disciplined, expectant, active, sometimes painful clinging to God.

A moment's thought would have shown him. But a moment is a long time, and thought is a painful process.

The painful things seemed like knots on a beautiful necklace, necessary for keeping the beads in place.

It is long and hard and painful to create life: it is short and easy to steal the life others have made.

Male privilege and entitlement are dying a very painful death; no one gives up power without a struggle.

You, the foreign media, have been the companion of my people in its long and painful journey to freedom.

This was possible only by dint of extended periods of frequently quite painful reflection and digestion.

I go through a lot of painful things. There are sessions when I will be on my back afterwards, crawling.

Difficult and painful as it is, we must walk on in the days ahead with an audacious faith in the future.

Honesty is often very hard. The truth is often painful. But the freedom it can bring is worth the trying.

I loved acting, which was never about money, the fame. It was about a search for meaning. It was painful.

Suddenly it was too hard to be in his presence, too painful to know that he would belong to someone else.

Regret is a bitter emotion, so painful that the urge to avoid it often drives decision-making strategies.

The worst thing in the world when you feel broken is to have somebody coming at you with open-faced love.

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong.

God is a God of the present. God is always in the moment, be that moment hard or easy, joyful and painful.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

I knew a man who had been virtually drowned and then revived. He said that his death had not been painful.

But my experience is that people who have been through painful, difficult times are filled with compassion.

Prefer punishment to disgraceful gain; for the one is painful but once, but the other for one's whole life.

Repetition on things like that becomes quite painful. If you do a stunt sometimes it can look like a stunt.

It is as natural to die as to be born; and to a little infant, perhaps, the one is as painful as the other.

One has to kill a few of one’s natural selves to let the rest grow — a very painful slaughter of innocents.

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