Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.

The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the ...

The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper, and re-imagines the world.

I can bend paper clips into the shapes of small animals.

I can bend paper clips into the shapes of small animals.

Yeah? For what paper?

I'm drowning in papers.

Imperialism is a paper tiger.

Writing is thinking on paper.

A paper town for a paper girl.

I used to cut out paper dolls.

Anything on paper is obsolete!

You don't need papers to vote.

Anything on paper is obsolete!

You don’t drive races on paper.

My vocation to preach on paper.

Paper is more patient than man.

Is the Scientific Paper a Fraud?

Paper Moon didn't bring me love.

Make deals with people, not paper.

Be true to what you said on paper.

We're all pretty ordinary on paper.

All reactionaries are paper tigers.

Blank paper has always inspired me.

I always have pen and paper with me.

Paper has more patience than people.

Paper buys time. Steel buys freedom.

It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.

Birds are an ecological litmus paper.

I wish I wrote 'Paper Planes' by M.I.A.

Words are the litmus paper of the mind.

Don't chase the paper, chase the dream.

Maybe all the strings inside him broke.

Paper is like Joyce Carol Oates: white.

The paper standard is self-destructive.

The world is full of paper, write to me

I can't argue my way out of a paper bag.

I'm the only nerd with a piece of paper.

I like getting toilet paper thrown at me.

LA doesn't have the heart of a paper cup.

I like to make collages - paper collages.

In love matters; keep your pen from paper.

Who knew paper and ink could be so vicious

Our civilization depends largely on paper.

Only paper flowers are afraid of the rain.

Every paper girl needs at least one string.

It was like death by a thousand paper cuts.

Liberal papers are not necessarily liberal.

Write . . . write . . . pencil . . . paper.

Anything beats an expensive stack of paper.

Dreams are like paper, they tear so easily.

Went to the paper shop - it had blown away.

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