I am a kind of paranoid in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to ...

I am a kind of paranoid in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy.

Only the paranoid survive.

You can never be too paranoid.

I've had paranoid panic attacks.

Even a paranoid can have enemies.

I'm not a paranoid schizophrenic.

Even a paranoid can have enemies.

I think I've always been paranoid.

Even paranoid people have enemies.

Call me paranoid. I´m frequently right.

The Academy is paranoid about its image.

The paranoid is never entirely mistaken.

I'm not a paranoid deranged millionaire.

Assume the best but hire paranoid people.

I'm not paranoid,I just don't trust people.

A paranoid is someone who has all the facts.

I know I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?

Rollin wit a posse full of paranoid drugdealaz!

It's amazing where the paranoid mind can take you.

I couldn't tell if I was perspicacious or paranoid.

Even a paranoid clock is being followed twice a day.

I'm a paranoid schizophrenic. I am my own entourage!

I wanna smoke pot, but I can't, cause I'm too paranoid.

All gamblers are paranoid, though they call it superstition.

I suppose I'll always be over-vulnerable, slightly paranoid.

A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on.

When you're young and beautiful, you're paranoid and miserable.

The 'peace movement' exists only in the fantasies of the paranoid.

During the lifetime of Japan I became very neurotic, very paranoid.

And I know I'm paranoid and neurotic, I've made a career out of it.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

Don't be a little paranoid; worry about everything, or let it all go.

If you're paranoid long enough, sooner or later you're gonna be right.

Secrecy is a vacuum and nothing fills a vacuum like paranoid speculation.

Life,” said Marvin dolefully, “loathe it or ignore it, you can’t like it.

I am lazy, but for some reason, I am so paranoid that I end up working hard.

Being slightly paranoid is like being slightly pregnant - it tends to get worse.

I've been called 'paranoid,' 'schizophrenic,' 'the wild child of Silicon Valley.'

Drugs seem to turn people into paranoid bores. Why would anyone want to go there?

Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive.

I don't consider myself paranoid at all. I think I see things exactly as they are.

Dictators fall when they're overconfident; they stay in power when they're paranoid.

High culture is paranoid about sentiment. But human beings are intensely sentimental.

You have to treat every day as a new challenge, and you have to remain paranoid, as they say.

I ignore the jealous, I ignore the malicious, I ignore the ignorant and I ignore the paranoid.

The paranoid fear of government is an extremist position, and every one of us ought to say that

I guess the line between being paranoid and being a rock star is smaller than one would expect.

If you act out of a paranoid fear of something happening, you will always make that thing happen.

You can never be comfortable with your success, you've got to be paranoid you're going to lose it.

The country makes me more paranoid, you know? I think the crazy people out there are little crazier.

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