I have no particular career agenda.

In the particular lies the universal.

I don't write for a particular audience.

No person is just one particular emotion.

In heaven an angel is nobody in particular.

I'm very particular about who I sleep with.

I like being organized and super particular.

In the particular is contained the universal.

It's hard to pick out one particular wrestler.

I'm not tied to any particular political line.

All my songs encapsulate a particular emotion.

Sometimes we live no particular way but our own

I don't have a particular go-to political blog.

I don't like to look for anything in particular.

I don't write for any particular kind of person.

Fashion is a very particular world, as you know.

The Democrats in particular are do-nothing guys.

I am very much in love with no one in particular.

General rules will bear hard on particular cases.

I'm a really particular person. I want it my way.

The Clash, in particular, transcends any category.

I don't ascribe to any particular style or period.

Thinking little at all about nothing in particular.

She loved him, though not at this particular moment.

I've never felt any particular desire to be married.

I don't really feel part of any particular movement.

People like change in general, but not in particular.

Hatred isgeneralized, but love is for the particular.

It's never the right time to take a particular stand.

There was no one in particular I really tried to copy.

A win is a win, which is about that particular moment.

Some boys are particular about how they look. I'm not.

I'm very particular but very thrifty at the same time.

And now the sequence of events in no particular order.

All countries are particular and no models are perfect.

What's the go of that? What's the particular go of that?

There's nothing tantric about my particular view on life.

In particular, I studied German and Russian biomechanics.

As an actor, I do not want to stick to a particular route.

The Bible is one, Old and New, in my particular tradition.

I don't think we should proselytize a particular religion.

I am undefinable. I don't fit into any particular category.

I have always had a particular antagonism for the military.

It is easier to know men in general, than men in particular.

That particular odyssey is now over. My mind is now at rest.

I don’t e-mail, I’ve never felt the particular need to e-mail.

I've always loved Ibanez guitars, and in particular 7 strings.

I don't wear particular designers. I wear whoever fits me well.

There is gravity in wisdom, but no particular wisdom in gravity.

To affirm that God is God is to want to live in a particular way.

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