I feel like I've gotten more than a lot of people will ever get. I feel very fortunate.

Part of the reason people don't talk about their loneliness is that they feel they will be judged for it.

If too many people feel excluded from the system and cannot access its benefits, they will ultimately rebel against it.

If you continue to act like an artist as you get older, you'll increasingly feel pressure. People will question your actions.

The people who feel the most strongly about something will turn on you the most vociferously if they feel you've let them down.

I've always been trying to write songs that hit you in the stomach but ones that make people feel like things will be just fine.

I feel like if you can describe something fully and accurately, then people will be able to see it themselves - they don't need be told what to.

There will always be those people who are just backward and ignorant. There will always be those people. They need somebody to feel superior to.

I don't feel people are that interested in snooker any more and the only thing that will get snooker back into the limelight is more controversy.

I try to keep the topics trendy. If it's a rant, it's something I feel strongly about, and people will watch it because they either agree or disagree.

Most successful musicals need to attach themselves to something bigger than themselves, a concept that will make people feel immediately connected to it.

If those people who come in to join the PSP, hoping to extract something from the party for themselves, I think even if they leave, I will not feel sorry.

A fundamental lesson on being fired: Never lie about it. People will know what you're saying is a cover-up for how you really feel - embarrassed, discouraged, and afraid.

A lot of times, people feel that if they forgive the person who hurt them, then they will continue to take advantage of them or not take responsibility for what they did wrong.

Coming out was crucial to changing attitudes about gays and lesbians: will people feel differently about abortion if they know their mother, their aunt, or their friend had one?

With every film that you do, you're always so nervous. You feel exposed because you know people will see this eventually. You sort of have to put all that out of your head. What will be will be. But it's nerve wracking.

I think most people who were involved with television will tell you, if given a season or given a 13-episode order and getting those episodes on the air, and if viewers don't come, I think most people will tell you they'd walk away. They feel they were given a fair shake, and if viewers didn't come, they didn't come.

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