I was nerdy and awkward and didn't know how to talk to people - except online.

You know that running bug people talk about? Well, I've been well and truly bitten.

I don't know one lens from another. That's not my job. It's the cinematographer's job. But I can talk to people.

There's no replacement for having a burning desire to talk about something: 'I know this and other people need to know!'

I'm fairly practiced at squirreling out stories and sources - I talk to people; I ask people if they know anyone worth talking to.

People know that I'm very outspoken. I've learned that when I talk, it usually comes off very aggressive. It's not that I'm aggressive - I'm very stern.

I know I have missed some chances, but that's part of being a striker, and I know it's part of being a striker that when you don't score, people talk about it.

People are unaware of what is going on. When I talk to people, they know the basics, they know the planet is warming because of greenhouse gases... but they don't know the actual consequence of that.

If you're an entrepreneur and you're starting a company, I think the first thing you do is you go and talk to a bunch of people. But then the next thing you probably should do is figure out if there's a broader demand than just people you know. That's where I think SurveyMonkey is pretty valuable to people.

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