The basics win fights.

Champions are brilliant at the basics.

Emotions are the basics of any art form!

Everything in life goes back to the basics.

Back to Basics was absolute humbug, wasn't it?

After you have the basics down it's all mental.

Maybe it's time we got back to the basics of love.

My first job as premier will be to go back to basics.

As a new ball bowler, it's my job to stick to the basics.

I started from zero and went back to the basics in gymnastics.

Even the basics of learning how to throw a good punch is very hard.

Through the program, they get the basics of what it takes to train.

Financial literacy is just as important in life as the other basics.

Work and love; these are the basics. Without them there is neurosis.

American Apparel does great colourful basics that you can customise.

Even just my basics are so effective against a guy like Max Holloway.

Most of us forget the basics and wonder why the specifics don't work.

I'm getting the basics with the AFL, but the NFL is a different animal.

My basics for a daytime look are simple: powder, gloss, brows and lashes.

I don't think that the basics that kids need have changed in 10,000 years.

Having a couple really great basics makes it easy to dress well every day.

In terms of pots and pans, I just use the basics - Im not a snob like that.

In terms of pots and pans, I just use the basics - I'm not a snob like that.

Learning networking basics is only a gateway to career growth and exploration.

Oh yeah, we all write. That's what's great about when you have basics in piano.

A wrestler will always be a wrestler, and they will always go back to the basics.

CrossFit really teaches the basics and fundamentals of proper mechanical movement.

There are endless exercises for arms, but the basics are best-chinups and pushups.

The most important thing is to keep our basics strong in both batting and bowling.

'Mr. Majnu' is just my way of saying that I am trying to start off from the basics.

Learning German will be always kind of hard to me. But I'm getting the basics right.

You don't get to the highest levels of the sport without having the basics in order.

The only way you can stay on top is to remember to touch bottom and get back to basics.

Our comedy is just falling over, funny faces, arguments, all the comedy basics, really.

It might be good to be taught the basics like your stance when you first start playing.

During the lockout year, my focus was the basics, sharpening my moves, my fundamentals.

On TV, I really try to go back to the basics and break down a recipe until it's very easy.

If you look at all aspects of all sports, everything comes down to basics and fundamentals.

Stick to the basics, hold on to your family and friends - they will never go out of fashion.

My brother's my teacher, my mentor, and we both learnt all the acting basics from our father.

If you miss the beginning, the basics, then you are destined to go back and visit the basics.

Let us leave a spare place at our table: a place for those who lack the basics, who are alone.

With sociolinguistics, after covering the basics of the field, I focused on discourse analysis.

I have to admit that I only read War and Peace when I was 40. But I knew the basics before then.

My main idea was to create a sports facility for the basics. This is why I established the club.

We know in football nothing is done and things can turn very easily if you don't respect basics.

I have to admit that I only read 'War and Peace' when I was 40. But I knew the basics before then.

I've always kept it very simple. I'm a big believer that basics stay the same for all the formats.

My techniques are basics, but my willingness to be in the pocket and see things is very high level.

In a Champions League final you have to do your basics well but also be able to go above and beyond.

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