I'm a bit awkward.

I was an awkward kid.

I'm nervous and awkward.

I'm 87% socially awkward.

I'm awkward around girls.

Kids have awkward moments.

Awkward is a state of being.

I always made an awkward bow.

Weave sex is a little awkward.

I'm awkward under the limelight.

In general, sincerity is awkward.

I’m very shy, I feel very awkward.

I was very shy and socially awkward.

I am a socially awkward mandork. (Nick)

In England we are sort of very awkward.

That's a big lava lamp. Congratulations.

'Tis an awkward thing to play with souls.

I'm one of those tall, lanky, awkward kids.

I can be a really awkward frontman on stage.

I am a deeply awkward person; I am not cool.

It is really awkward to see myself on screen.

Flirting is funny. And it's awkward and weird.

Mere bashfulness without merit is awkwardness.

My awkward stage extended well into high school.

I love the crazy sex and the awkward situations.

What's up, gangstas? It's the M-I-Double-Tizzle.

My voice was awkward. I had a deep Texan accent.

I was a shy kid. I was awkward. I was picked on.

My life is an awkward visit from the kids table.

I like music of almost any kind - including this.

I never had any awkward situations with Shah Rukh.

I'm definitely on the spectrum of socially awkward.

Don't have sex in the lobby - it's usually awkward.

I find standing and posing for photos very awkward.

I don't like vampires personally. I don't know any.

My level of awkward makes everyone else feel normal

Sometimes you need to be awkward to beat awkwardness

I went through awkward, chubby, total weirdo phases.

It was epic. It was awkward. It was epically awkward.

I'm certainly honest - and I can be socially awkward.

The existence of other people is essentially awkward.

I went through an awkward adolescence and had braces.

I'm a loner. I like to be alone. I'm socially awkward.

The Unexpected always comes at the most awkward times.

That was the most awkward Wednesday he ever remembered.

Actors put ourselves in awkward positions all the time.

Everybody loves you because you are brilliantly awkward.

I actually feel awkward being at the center of attention.

I'm so weird and quirky, and painfully awkward sometimes.

By nature, I'm an awkward person; I'm a gangly introvert.

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