Peace is the first thing the angels sang.

Music is the first thing I didn't give up.

The first thing I wanted to be was a clown.

Sound is the first thing that we tune into.

The first thing I ever sold online was stolen.

For me, the first thing is to tell a good story.

Theatre was the first thing I fell in love with.

The first thing I've learned is to trust nobody.

The first thing the secretary types is the boss.

The first thing I did for TV was a pilot for CBS.

The first thing I pack for meets is my makeup bag!

The first thing I do when I get up, I have breakfast.

The first thing I'll do if elected is demand a recount.

The first thing I see is the obligation to serve peace.

The first thing I always look at on a girl is her eyes.

The first thing I learned was the theme from Peter Gunn.

After I saw the first thing I ever did, I got a migraine.

Wrestling was always the first thing I ever wanted to do.

The first thing that strikes a visitor to Paris is a taxi.

The first thing that comes out of my mouth is always right.

In America, the first thing people say is, 'What do you do?'

The first thing you see when you walk into a store is color.

'Fatal Vision' was basically the first thing I did on camera.

Everyone takes a bad selfie - the first thing is to know that.

I think the first thing we should do is abolish the income tax.

Music was the first thing I did where I was naturally talented.

The first thing I got my mom when I got some money was a house.

In order to make money the first thing is to have no need of it.

With every character, the first thing I want to feel is empathy.

Yeah, the first thing that comes to mind is not to try too hard.

Running was the first thing I discovered that I was any good at.

The first thing anyone can do, about any issue, is get informed.

Every day, I wake up, and the first thing I think of is my kids.

The first thing I can really tell you is I really love the work.

Sports are my favorite. It's the first thing I turn to every day.

The first thing I did was a print ad for Century Plaza. I was five.

But Basquiat is the first thing I've done that I'm really proud of.

The first thing I ever saw Bradley Cooper in was 'Wedding Crashers.'

The first thing that put me on the map was my Sherlock Holmes novel.

My computer's the first thing I'd save if my house was burning down.

If I went to work in a factory the first thing I'd do is join a union.

I think the first thing I did was several scenes from Romeo and Juliet.

The first thing a writer needs to know is what kind of writer he/she is.

Well, the first thing is that I love monsters, I identify with monsters.

What's the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning? Wish I hadn't.

If I was to get money, that's the first thing you would get: a '96 Impala.

As an actor, the first thing you learn in drama school is you never judge.

The first thing I do when I get home is take my shoes off and go barefoot.

The first thing I put down on paper is a storyboard, like a film director.

The first thing in my oath is to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution.

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