My album is better than 'Sgt. Pepper.'

I can't do coffee, but I can do Dr. Pepper.

My first audition was for a Dr. Pepper commercial.

I starred in Dr. Pepper commercials and Buick ads.

My least favorite ingredient to cook with is black pepper.

Jimi Hendrix played loud and free, Sergeant Pepper was real to me.

You cannot come to a Nigerian restaurant without having pepper soup.

We were offered 100 'Sgt. Pepper' shows in Las Vegas with a huge back-end.

I don't think I've ever listened to 'Sgt. Pepper's' the whole way through.

I went to USC and got my first break writing for a kids' show called 'Pepper Ann.'

I made some salt and pepper shakers a while back and waited three years for them to come.

I reckon I tried everything on the old apple, but salt and pepper and chocolate sauce topping.

When those waiters ask me if I want some fresh ground pepper, I ask if they have any aged pepper.

To grow a tomato or a pepper and prepare a meal from your labor and care is primordially satisfying.

I grow tomatoes, spinach and melons, a pepper vine climbs my coconut tree. I have a home and kitchen of my own.

I love a bit of arugula tossed in olive oil and pepper over it to just have something nice and fresh and green.

Rosewood has always been one of my favourite scents, as has the pink grapefruit and pepper we've also put in Homme.

My first commercial ever was a Dr. Pepper commercial. And then I did a Mountain Dew commercial. A lot of soft drinks.

The disparity between a restaurant's price and food quality rises in direct proportion to the size of the pepper mill.

When summer squash is freshly picked, all it needs is a little olive oil, salt, pepper, and maybe a hit of lemon juice.

Pepper spray, a Taser, a suckling pig and a self-built motorized spit. It's a perfect Thanksgiving, 'MythBusters'-style.

The Beatles showed with 'Sgt. Pepper's' that you can make an album out of anything, just make it seem like it's connected.

I like simple food, seasoned with just salt, pepper, oil and vinegar. Complicated food and complicated lives are never good.

On Christmas morning breakfast is always thick slices of ham, thick white toast, butter and pepper - oh and a glass of fizz!

The 'classic' pig is inspired by northern Italy. It is made up of meat and fat, rosemary and garlic, salt and lots of black pepper.

I just finished touring, and I'm on a detox thing. It's a heavy detox, so nothing in my belly except water, salt, and cayenne pepper.

I've got this thing for spicy stuff. Now, if you give me hot chocolate with chili pepper, a book and a bubble bath, I'm a happy girl.

Growing up in Texas, I am a sunflower seeds and Dr. Pepper guy. If I have that, I'm pretty much good to go on any road trip, anywhere.

The Beatles production is often so 'perfect' that it sounds computerized. 'Sgt. Pepper' really does sound like it took four months to make.

When I go gray, I'm not going to be able to see it that much. I won't be salt and pepper: I'll be like salt and the white pepper you can buy.

What I love is Mexican hot chocolate, like a spicy hot chocolate - adding cayenne pepper to the Hershey's cocoa and making a spicy-sweet treat.

I think that debut albums are supposed to sound sort of raw. You don't want to record 'Sgt. Pepper's' as your first album, because where do you go from there?

Chefs don't use white pepper just to avoid spoiling the whiteness of pommes puree or bechamel. It has a more peppery aroma, with sharpness and sweetness, too.

It's important to salt the tomatoes before draining them because that helps pull out the water. Fresh herbs, some garlic and pepper will also enhance the flavor.

Fattier, expensive cuts like prime rib or New York strip are celebratory centerpieces that do best when simply roasted with salt and pepper and served straight away.

Black pepper is necessary to absorb the key antioxidants in most spices and foods, including turmeric, so get a pepper grinder and fill it with Tellicherry peppercorns.

We talk about America as a melting pot, where you can't turn salt into pepper. Then you got too much pepper. You need the salt. You need the paprika. You need the broth.

I'm proud to be part of the Dr. Pepper Scholarship Giveaway. It's a great program that gives me the chance to brighten the day for some lucky college students with free tuition.

There are... certainly more innovations on 'Revolver'... but the truth of the matter is 'Sgt. Pepper' has something that was just completely different and unique at that moment.

I'll cook a batch of brown rice or quinoa and keep it in the fridge, so when I get hungry, I can easily dress it up with olive oil, lemon, and salt and pepper, and then add veggies.

I think over-seasoning it is something I tend to do. If it's a good steak, salt, pepper, and butter are the three key ingredients. But just try not to overcook it, and you'll be happy.

After Cadbury, the candy company, separated from Dr. Pepper, the soft drinks maker, Cadbury was able to substantially lower its debt load. The profits of Cadbury, the candy company, zoomed.

There's a stigma that guys hate romance and hate love, but that's not true. Look at 'Iron Man.' There's a whole through-line plot about his relationship with Pepper, and everybody loves it.

It's much easier for the vegan to remain at home and do their own Christmas dinner. That way, you can enjoy your food without someone making some hilarious comment about your stuffed pepper.

We all like all of that, from 'Rubber Soul' to 'The White Album' and all of that, but even before, we were into that theatrical element of things. We didn't want to do a 'Sgt. Pepper's' thing.

Reading a Lydia Davis story collection is like reaching into what you think is a bag of potato chips and pulling out something else entirely: a gherkin, a pepper corn, a truffle, a piece of beef jerky.

You've just got to sing, do some kind of singing every day. Early mornings and cold weather can mess with that. I drink special teas with cayenne pepper, but I think you're psyching yourself out, really.

The Romans brought with them spices such as ginger, pepper and cinnamon, and herbs including borage, chervil, dill, fennel, lovage, sage and thyme, all of which have remained staples of the British kitchen.

People talk about ballroom, but they don't really understand the history. Crystal Labeija, Avis Pendavis, Paris Dupree, Pepper LaBeija, Dorian Corey. These were the women that really brought ballroom to life.

I'm a bit snobbish about breakfast: eggs benedict, or eggs royale, or something like that. Or just some really amazing, proper brown toast with smoked salmon, lemon, and black pepper. That's a great start to the day.

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