It is not enough to simply "do your best". You must strive for perfection.

Culture is the study of perfection, and the constant effort to achieve it.

Every time, all the time, I'm a perfectionist. I feel I should never lose.

The goal of the human soul is conquest, perfection, security, superiority.

The ocean does not require that the waves are still to be more ocean-like.

I've never believed in seeking perfection at the risk of losing everything.

Marriage is the perfection which love aimed at, ignorant of what it sought.

Since there must be chimeras, why is not perfection the chimera of all men?

I can’t help it." I sighed. "One can never help being born into perfection.

People can live up to high standards, but they can't live up to perfection.

The cruelest thing a man can do to a woman is to portray her as perfection.

Expecting perfection from ourselves or others is not what holiness is about.

Every human perfection is linked to an error which it threatens to turn into

It is through art, and through art only, that we can realise our perfection.

Fix your eyes on perfection and you make almost everything speed towards it.

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.

Deploring other people--their lack of perfection--had always been our sport.

Mediocre men work at their best; men seeking excellence strive to do better.

One should assiduously pursue perfection without ever claiming to attain it.

I'm never pleased with anything, I'm a perfectionist, it's part of who I am.

There is a certain perfection in accident which we never consciously attain.

Just start Don't wait for perfection. Just start and let the work teach you.

Redemption is not perfection. The redeemed must realize their imperfections.

Failure is an integral part of life and that perfection is not of this world.

Fashion is the pursuit of perfection, Style is the acceptance of one's flaws.

Perfection consists in doing His will, in being that which He wants us to be.

If you do not learn to deny yourself, you can make no progress in perfection.

Love thy neighbor is more than a divine truth. It is a pattern for perfection.

Perfectionism rarely begets perfection, or satisfaction - only disappointment.

Elections are when you have to make a choice. Perfection not often attainable!

If you obey the technique to perfection, that technique will become invisible.

Perfection does not exist -- you can always do better and you can always grow.

When something has been perfect, there is a tendency to try hard to repeat it.

Ego is impurity. Be selfless. Consecrate and dedicate your life to perfection.

There is hope in honest error; none in the icy perfections of the mere stylist

A perfect human being: Man in search of his ideal of perfection. Nothing less.

Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water, sings the pebbles into perfection.

... every entity loses perfection as long as it is not fulfilling its purpose.

Nothing — the only perfection, the only absolute. Infinite and eternal nothing.

I don't want to call myself a perfectionist because perfection is imperfection.

There's no use being satisfied when things are done wrongly. I want perfection.

The perfection of any matter, the highest or the lowest, touches on the divine.

Work to perfect the mind. There is no certitude but in what the mind conceives.

Many things impossible to thought have been by need to full perfection brought.

No one ever approaches perfection except by stealth, and unknown to themselves.

Producing perfection from imperfection is, after all, the highest of art forms.

I'm on my way to a place where I'd never dreamed I'd be, and that's perfection.

True perfection has to be imperfect. I know that sounds foolish, but it's true.

It is necessary to go through all the daily tasks and bring perfection to them.

It is an absolute perfection... to get the very most out of one's individuality.

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