Nothing happens without personal transformation.

The purpose of meditation is personal transformation.

Unless there's a personal transformation, there can be no social transformation.

Without deep personal transformation, collective transformation is not possible.

Projects of personal transformation rarely succeed by accident, drift, or imposition.

You don't go through a deep personal transformation without some kind of dark night of the soul.

In the kind of world we have today, transformation of humanity might well be our only real hope for survival.

Magic is our birthright...and should be available to all who wish to utilize it as a tool of personal transformation.

The beginning of personal transformation is absurdly easy. We have only to pay attention to the flow of attention itself.

Disease can be seen as a call for personal transformation through metamorphosis. It is a transition from the death of your old self into the birth of your new.

It almost seems like God is transforming into just a strictly spiritual advisor, a personal-transformation type of figure more than an explainer of the world, you know?

Wars and conflicts begin in the mind, then they are expressed in words and then executed through physical action, so personal transformation is intricately connected with the social and political transformation.

I'm very inspired by personal transformation. I'm so inspired when people who have been living with or struggling against significant obstacles break through and reach the other side of that challenge victoriously.

Marian Head is a true student of Tao. Her insightful and persuasive 'Wu-Wei' approaches for personal transformation reach our hearts with open invitation to join the 'soft' revolution and harmonious agreement for all.

It's not just global warming, it's not just a loss of biodiversity, it's not just the pollution of our oceans and the clearing of our rainforests and all these complicated systems, The [11th Hour] movie talks about the world economy, it talks about politics, it talks about personal transformation and environmental consciousness that we need to have in this generation to implement a lot of these changes that need to occur.

Second, the reason to embrace and celebrate these novels as the countercultural event that they are is due largely to the subliminal messages delivered by Harry and friends in their stolen wheelbarrows. Readers walk away, maybe a little softer on the occult than they were, but with story-embedded messages: the importance of a pure soul; love's power even over death; about sacrifice and loyalty; a host of images and shadows about Christ and how essential 'right belief' is for personal transformation and victory over internal and external evils.

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