Life is a wondrous phenomenon.

Cinema is a worldwide phenomenon.

Fame is an interesting phenomenon.

Lost' was a phenomenon, like Elvis.

'Lost' was a phenomenon, like Elvis.

Islamophobia is a complex phenomenon.

Games have become a social phenomenon.

We're kind of an international phenomenon.

'The Daily Show' is a cultural phenomenon.

Giving a phenomenon a label does not explain it.

Am I a myth? Am I a legend? Or am I a phenomenon?

It's a phenomenon that we don't really understand.

It's hard to make a cultural phenomenon every time.

Exploding is a perfectly normal medical phenomenon.

You can't just live in phenomenon and not research it.

I wouldn't say I'm a phenomenon, just a great athlete.

Death is a dying industry with an economic phenomenon.

Success is a funny phenomenon, God knows how it works!

Frozen is a phenomenon on an entirely new Disney scale.

A phenomenon like Mozart remains an inexplicable thing.

The tech world is not a new phenomenon; it's a new era.

Gardening is in large measure a phenomenon of attention.

'Frozen' is a phenomenon on an entirely new Disney scale.

It's a phenomenon how 'Grease' is so popular; it really is.

Sport is an international phenomenon, like science or music.

If I'm a phenomenon, it makes me feel like I have no purpose.

I would like to be a one-man multinational fashion phenomenon.

Will the social networking phenomenon lessen? I don't think so.

One area of liberal phenomenon I support is female bi-sexuality.

Donald Trump is a phenomenon that foreign countries haven't seen.

'French Women Don't Get Fat' has become something of a phenomenon.

The phenomenon of 'Transformers' itself is mind-shaking, you know?

The single most amazing phenomenon is the discrediting of idealism.

'Black Panther' is a phenomenon - it is all right in its own thing.

That is a strange phenomenon, people pretending to be other people.

In fact, my popularity seems almost entirely a masculine phenomenon.

Being a vegan is a first-world phenomenon, completely self-indulgent.

Neymar is a phenomenon. He adapted to European football very quickly.

My admiration for the phenomenon of Alcoholics Anonymous is boundless.

No phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon.

This whole phenomenon of the computer in a library is an amazing thing.

Back home, the Iron Bowl isn't just a football game, it's a phenomenon.

K-pop itself is not just a music genre, but a whole cultural phenomenon.

In every phenomenon the beginning remains always the most notable moment.

No one could have predicted the cultural phenomenon 'Twilight' has become.

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon and it is neither dirty, nor a taboo.

It's just amazing to do something that's part of a pop culture phenomenon.

We, in Prince Edward Island, are fully familiar with this modern phenomenon.

I will interpret every phenomenon as a particular dealing of God with my soul

An eclipse is one phenomenon that is actually more impressive from the ground.

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