Phil is a real drummer's drummer.

I listen to a lot of Phil Collins.

I'm not Dr. Phil. I'm not Dr. Laura.

But I don't really like to discuss Phil anymore.

I'm Phil Knight, and I don't believe in advertising.

I'm not trying to be the next Dave Grohl or Phil Collins.

I wanted to be like Phil Donahue for the internet generation.

Phil is always a quotable guy. He keeps everyone entertained.

Ava DuVernay is my personal Phil Jackson. She's a perfect coach.

Playing with Phil Mickelson, it doesn't get any better than that.

You don't have to be great to be successful. Look at Phil Collins.

Because of my grey hair and glasses, people think I'm Phil Donahue.

I've always had a soft spot for Phil Collins. He's a great vocalist.

I'm a fan of Genesis prior to Phil Collins. I don't really like Phil.

Phil Neville has been great in terms of the pointers he has given me.

My dad put me onto Phil Collins and Dream Theater and all that stuff.

If you can beat Phil Taylor in the longer format you can beat anyone.

The Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Phil Spector. Those were my idols.

Dr. Phil is hiding something. Otherwise, why wouldn't he use his last name?

Nobody is more conservative in the Congress and the House than Phil Gingrey.

I used to play on Phil Spector's records, and he liked to use three pianists.

When people are overlooking somebody like Phil Davis, it's a dangerous thing.

Dr. Phil is a fat, loud blowhard with a Texas twang and male-pattern baldness.

I knew from working with New Order that I enjoyed working with Phil Cunningham.

That might be my epitaph: 'It wasn't as bad as I thought. Here lies Phil Lord.'

I think that Phil Kaufman is one of the best directors that I have come across.

Phil Ramone is very special. Barbra Streisand or Diana Ross... they are the best.

Phil is my father. He's a part of who I am. But I don't want to be defined by that.

I feel really lucky. There wasn't a doubt in my mind when Phil asked me to marry him.

The thing is about Cheech & Chong, we've brought more families together than Dr. Phil.

Phil Jackson is a mastermind, and he knows how to keep his team from being complacent.

I think 'Shoe Dog' by Phil Knight is the best memoir I've ever read by a business person.

I played behind Phil Thompson and Alan Hansen, and they were both brilliant centre-halves.

When you have a chance to get Phil Jackson to run your team, you just do it, plain and simple.

I would say the best trick I've pulled was putting salt instead of sugar in Phil Neville's tea.

Phil Handy played for me in England and has obviously risen to stardom in his area of what he does.

I like growing things. I like hot food. I had time on my hands. Now I have Phil Rudd hot chilli sauce.

I would be very surprised if Phil Neville didn't go into management and possibly Johnny Heitinga, too.

Snoop Dog is the Phil Jackson of youth football coaches. He ain't going to accept nothing but a winner.

I liked playing Morph in Mash and Peas and doing Phil Daniels in the Blur Rock Profile was a giggle too.

I've had so many conversations over the years with Phil Simms about just grinding it out and winning ugly.

I was a huge fan of Jon Lovitz, Dana Carvey, Jan Hooks, obviously Phil Hartman, and a very young Adam Sandler.

There's a whole other chapter of my life where I was, for 15 years, the significant other of coach Phil Jackson.

Some days, I'd feel better with Punxsutawney Phil in the Oval Office - at least he doesn't lie about the weather.

You can talk about Phil Jackson for years when he was with the Lakers and the Bulls, I used to read a lot of his stuff.

It was sad when Sid Vicious died... I was freaked out when Phil Lynott died from Thin Lizzy. I cried. It was too crazy.

Mark my words, Michael Van Gerwen will knock Phil Taylor off his perch one day and be the best darts player on the planet.

There's no place in the world you can go and not hear rock-and-roll, from Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder to Phil Collins.

I am so thankful for the genius of Phil Spector, for his recognition of my talent to be the main voice of his Wall of Sound.

I always thought I'd be the one to go first. The world might be mourning an Everly Brother, but I'm mourning my brother Phil.

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