I believe that there will be women astronauts sometime just as there are women airplane pilots.

The flame of family can warm us and at the same time be a perpetual pilot light to rekindle us.

The most important thing for a fighter pilot is to get his first victory without too much shock.

I'd most likely be a helicopter pilot, or I'd own a really cool surf hotel somewhere on a beach.

Death is the handmaiden of the pilot. Sometimes it comes by accident, sometimes by an act of God.

I know that some people think differently about pilots, but I really enjoyed shooting 'Awakening'.

In soloing - as in other activities - it is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.

I am the astronaut of boxing. Joe Louis and Dempsey were just jet pilots. I'm in a world of my own.

Every pilot I've ever written, I've fallen deeply and madly in love with. It's the only way I work.

The successful pilots succeeded because they did not open fire until they were close to the target.

Each generation of pilots hopes that they will leave their profession better off than they found it.

This pilot, by far, was the best I ever read - and I hope that insults every other pilot I worked on.

I don't watch the show - only bits and pieces of all of them. The only one I sat through was the pilot.

Now we are using the body scanner to scan the pilots. They became the dangerous people of this country?

I wrote six pilots, none of which ever got picked up. When you stop trying, it then it falls in your lap.

When people asked me what I did for a living, I told them I make pilots. They thought I was a stewardess.

Writing pilots is such a specific thing. It's not even really writing TV shows. A pilot is its own beast.

You had to come back to learn how to lose yourself, to be pilot and stray-witch, Hansel and Gretel in one.

Your heart pilots you to a far better life than you could have ever dreamed of. That's how the heart works.

Any pilot can describe the mechanics of flying. What it can do for the spirit of man is beyond description.

When I was training to be a pilot, there was a large section in the book on how to drop mail from the plane.

When I moved to L.A. in 1989, the very first thing I did was this horrific pilot called To Protect And Surf.

I've always been intrigued by fighter pilots and strategy because it occurs in like, milliseconds, you know.

We asked Jane Fonda if she would like to meet American pilots in Hanoi, but she refused, she didn't want to.

A superior pilot uses his superior judgment to avoid situations which require the use of his superior skill.

The original pilot script [ of "Mary and Jane"], we literally just wrote for fun. It was, let's just do this.

When there's no information and the compass turns to nowhere that you know well, let your soul be your pilot.

I am inspired and would love to work with Jack Garrett, Tyler Joseph of Twenty One Pilots, and Jack Antonoff.

If drink sales are falling off, we get the pilots to engineer a bit of turbulence. That usually spikes sales.

Should you fail to pilot your own ship, don't be surprised at what inappropriate port you find yourself docked.

Sure I've done some runs and even toured some amazing places around the world, but this is Stone Temple Pilots!

If the pilots were in charge, Columbus would still be in port. They believe the assertion that the world is flat.

My family are doctors and pilots and people involved in indigenous First Nation land rights; not overtly artistic.

Pilot season is always crazy because you audition for a million things, and really, in the end, it's not up to you.

On a standard space shuttle crew, two of the astronauts have a test pilot background - the commander and the pilot.

We saw the integration of the female pilots in the Navy, in combat roles, and the resistance there in the beginning.

The pilots I did test for, I was the only black actor testing against white actors for parts that were written white.

You can never be an entrepreneur if you're afraid to lose money. It's like being a pilot who is afraid of bad weather.

I've done a lot of pilots. A lot of shows. You're young and you do a job just because you know someone gave you a job.

I created 'Dinner: Impossible' with a guy named Bryan O'Reilly and I shot the pilot as a 30 minute show and we sold it.

A purely psychological explanation is ruled out... the discs show signs of intelligent guidance, by quasi-human pilots.

When you're a pilot, and you know all the ways to survive an airplane crash and how low the chances are, you feel safer.

I've been on pilots. I've seen shows come and go. I know that this stuff is all very fleeting, so I try to keep it cool.

Don't 'over-control' like a novice pilot. Stay loose enough from the flow that you can observe it, modify, and improve it.

You read so many scripts, especially pilots, that really feel like marbles in your mouth when you go to read them out loud.

I get a lot of emails of scripts and pilots, and they want me to give feedback, and sometimes I can't because it's so many.

It was so freeing to branch out and work with people like Josh Dun of 21 Pilots who played on 'Savage' and 'Almost Had Me.'

Had an audition for a pilot today, but realized I could save gas and help the environment by pissing up a rope here at home!

The greater the difficulty the more glory in surmounting it. Skillful pilots gain their reputation from storms and tempests.

He won't fly on the Balinese airline, Garuda, because he won't fly on any airline where the pilots believe in reincarnation.

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