Playing the assholes in the movie is fun.

I want my son to wear a helmet 24 hours a day.

The show had run its course on the Fox network.

Arrested Development opened a lot of doors for me.

Pure unadulterated success is not as funny as failure.

Well, we were never coming back to Fox... that was clear.

You've got to rely on people that you trust and you love.

Everybody has some good in them and they can be relied on.

I never really spent time being jealous. Maybe I should have.

It's very rare that people are exactly who they appear to be.

You don't want to try to recreate something you've already done.

I don't aim to make art in a vacuum - you want people to like it.

Even if you make a mistake, you can go back and do the right thing.

Everything's not black and white. We choose to make bad decisions or not.

You don't always have to run. Take good time to watch first, then decide.

We live in an age where people will watch epic entertainment on their phones.

I'm a dad first and foremost, then it goes hockey and then work, in that order.

I'm not necessarily interested in telling the story of people who are super likable.

Yeah, you know, within the context of TV families, these are pretty unsavory characters.

I am happy because I'm grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy.

If you have a character that doesn't have anything wrong with him, there's nothing funny about it.

At no point was I like, 'Man, I gotta write me a part where people are going to take me seriously'.

When it sort of finally sets in that you're not going to be doing that anymore... it's disappointing.

This pilot, by far, was the best I ever read - and I hope that insults every other pilot I worked on.

I'm a huge Toronto Maple Leafs fan, and the only other teams whose games I go to are the Rangers and the Kings.

Any time you can build jokes around a story that resonates on an emotional level, it is going to have a big impact.

I say to my kids all the time - and this is absolutely true - I always say, 'Who's the boss?' and they go, 'You are.'

My definition of family is just unconditional love. The people who rely on you and who love you, they are there, too.

When I was in my 20s, I wanted to go after dramatic roles, and I didn't have a tremendous amount of success with that.

I started acting as a teenager, but it wasn't until I moved to New York when I was 20 that I made any kind of commitment.

When all of your friends are getting pregnant, you start thinking about it. But for Amy and I, show business is our baby.

I spent a lot of time quasi-fascinated with characters who were super-dumb and super-cocky. I always liked that combination.

I've always maintained that I don't think comedy should be reviewed. I think it's un-reviewable, because it is so subjective.

I know that my kids are big 'Turtles' fans because there's been this resurgence, especially with the new series on Nickelodeon.

Vernon Fenwick. He's a cameraman at Channel 6 - he's April O'Neil's cameraman - and Vernon is a character who is from the 'Turtle' mythology.

Because we have this whole other human being we have to think about other than ourselves. We had the luxury before of being totally self-centered.

You meet lots of people in your life, and sometimes you think that people are a certain way, and then they reveal themselves to be a different way.

And we... right from moment one, we were always kinda up against the wall a little bit when it came to the future of the show. There were always rumors.

People have this preconceived notion of me. I'm 'Gob' to them: this thoughtless sociopath who lives this bizarre, ego-driven life. That would be insanity.

It's very rare that people are exactly who they appear to be. Venice has a lot of that too, but the face of it is quite beautiful, interesting, and textured.

Yeah, I don't think you can live anywhere else - it's such a great city [New York]. L.A. is kind of a necessary evil, but man, I love going back to New York.

It doesn't look great if you cancel the reigning Best Comedy Program, you know, you're gonna take a hit from a... from sort of a public relations standpoint.

I mean, I gotta say one of the greatest victories on that show was when we got picked up for the back nine of the first season, and they made it a full order.

When you're young, you kind of take yourself seriously, and you think, like, "People need to see what I can do." And it's so laughable, especially with actors.

Well, no, I didn't because I didn't even know the nominations were coming out. I gotta say, it wasn't even on my radar. I hadn't... I hadn't even thought about it.

When David Cross and I made 'Todd Margaret,' we spent time there. We were shocked and happy with the reaction that we got with fans over there. It was pretty awesome.

I want my son to wear a helmet 24 hours a day. If it was socially acceptable I'd be the first one to have my kid in a full helmet and like a cage across his face mask.

This might be controversial, but sometimes I think that being happy is a decision. I don't mean that in a way to diminish clinical depression. But on a more day-to-day level.

One of the greatest punsters of all time, Peter Serafinowicz, is a good friend of mine, and I've been in situations more than once where people have been exhausted hanging around with him.

I am humbled by the nomination. I got to work with a cast and writers made up of geniuses. The good news is I can finally realize my life long dream and buy my wife a solid gold speed boat.

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