You can't have a conscience in the pimp game.

Pimpin' ain't dead 'cause I be the life line.

Life is full of hardships, pimp slaps, and sorrow.

I think I'd be a good pimp cuz I'd never beat my ho's.

All fighters are prostitutes and all promoters are pimps

Never ask your wife if she still hears from her old pimp.

Rap's the occupation, but one day watch I'll be Pimp of the Nation.

You can't slit the throat of everyone whose character it would improve.

Dim them lights get it in pimp tight do wat i do i lace up my own nikes.

Women say they want a man who knows what a woman's worth. That's a pimp.

Surely the freedom of women must mean more to us than the freedom of pimps.

The Cadillac Escalade is the perfect vehicle for a pimp with a growing family.

Well, I'm too old to pimp, and too young to die, so I'm just gonna keep playin'

I talk slicker than a pimp from Augusta who just had his linen suit dry-cleaned

My father said, Bring along your best girl. This is something you say to a pimp!

You a lame so yo dame playin mind games; I'm a pimp so I stay in that mind frame.

Golf is the only opportunity that middle-aged WASPs have to dress up like a pimp.

Psychics put people in spiritual harm, the same way pimps put people in physical harm.

You need to modulate that unwarranted ire, buddy. I'm not your 'ho and you ain't my pimp

The pimp is the executive organ of immorality. The executive organ of morality is the blackmailer.

The frame is the pimp of painting; it enhances it, but it must never shine at the painting's expense.

Pimp stands for Positive Intellectual Motivated Person. It has nothing to do with selling sex for money.

The money paid at consumption is paid by everybody, including illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers.

But then again, you know, the pimp in TAXI DRIVER has this reason, given the environment he was living in.

Niggas frown when you up and smile when you down. And when you change for the better, shife fools stop comin' around.

Just because a woman has a pimp doesn't necessarily mean that she's being abused by the guy. You can't know for sure.

But when to sin our biased nature leans, The careful Devil is still at hand with means; And providently pimps for ill desires.

That's ended, that's over. I want you to meet my pimps. I thought, I'm a show-business ho already, so I might as well be a real ho.

Yo I'm seventeen, already sniffin blow. I tell my friends its asthmary time I itch my throat, I got a new show for MTV, Pimp My Boat.

Fine. Everybody wears seatbelts. No radio. No distractions.” Ben shot Hi a stern look. “No running commentary.” “Your loss,” Hi said. “To the pimp ride!

well, death says, as he walks by, I'm going to get you anyhow no matter what you've been: writer, cab-driver, pimp, butcher, sky-diver, I'm going to get you

We have to stop arresting prostitutes and not arresting traffickers and pimps. It's absurd. We're arresting the victim or the survivor and not the oppressor.

I can't hang out as loose as I used to, but I can still go down Jefferson Avenue and look in the faces of winos, pimps and junkies, all the things I'm made of.

I've only ever met one woman who actually was a prostitute of her own free will. She didn't have a pimp. She could pick and choose her customers. That's so rare.

That would be like making a pact with Lucifer. (Zarek) Yes, but I don’t smell like sulfur. And I happen to dress better. Luc always looks like a pimp. (Dionysus)

The philanthropist, the politician, and the pimp are inevitably found in alliance because they have the same motives, they seek the same ends, to exist for, through, and by others.

There are no pimps, no whores, no transvestites - gone. Now that's more the culture I'm comfortable in ... I don't like it in the house, you know what I mean, but I like it somewhere around.

Ladies and Gentlemen this fellow combines the classic stylings of a 1950's robot with the dynamic flair of a 1970's street pimp....that's right, boys and girls every where, your friend Pimpbot 5000!

Turn pimp, flatterer, quack, lawyer, parson, be chaplain to an atheist, or stallion to an old woman, anything but a poet; for a poet is worse, more servile, timorous and fawning than any I have named.

Why is Anthony Amowitz using his pimp smile on you?” “You’re only calling him a pimp because he’s here. At Marcie’s.” “Yeah, so?” “He’s being nice.” I elbowed her. “Smile back.” “Being nice? He’s being horny.

As far as women who are being abused by pimps, I think if you see women who do incalls or outcalls rather than work on the street, they are less likely - from what I've heard - to have pimps. But you can't be sure.

If someone had said to me ten years ago "Yo, we have this role of this pimp who wants to be a rapper, he lives in Memphis", I'd be like, "Really?" But then when you read it and you see it, you say "That's a great role."

I didn't mind working in the clubs, but I resented it being a club where pimps hang out. Because the music that I create is of a higher intellect than that. It not only encompasses pimps, but whores, ballplayers, executives... everybody.

Prostitution will always exist in every society, so I believe in a fair trade. Open the doors for women to earn their money without having pimps. The worst thing is to criminalize it, because then you open the doors for pimps, criminals, and trading.

The fair (ph) transforms the process by which we fund Social Security and Medicare because the money paid in consumption is paid by everybody, including illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, all the people that are freeloading off the system now.

I remember a time when a cabbage could sell itself by being a cabbage. Nowadays it’s no good being a cabbage – unless you have an agent and pay him a commission. Nothing is free anymore to sell itself or give itself away. These days, Countess, every cabbage has its pimp.

Luke Cage is using his open hand instead of a closed fist. It's a little disrespectful but it's very effective. Some people call it a pimp slap, we call it smack-fu. He's doing you a favour by hitting you with an open hand. It hurts, it renders you unconscious but you live.

No, no, no. This ain’t right. I finally find a woman who’ll actually let me into her place and you bring her home for you? Oh, please tell me you brought her home for you and not for me. You didn’t pimp me out again, Wulf, did you? I swear I’ll stake you in your sleep if you did. (Chris)

Today, a young person that doesn't know themselves will totally be sold some other situation. Let's do your avatar. You know? And young people are going out, spending what little they have to try to buy themselves when they don't have themselves, or they feel like they don't have themselves. To me, that's like a damn pimp tragedy.

Anthony raised his red plastic cup to me and shouted something, but it was too hard to hear over the music. “What?” I called back. “You look great!” A goofy smile was plastered on his face. “Oh boy,” Vee said. “Not just a pimp, but a smashed pimp.” “So maybe he’s a little drunk.” “Drunk and hoping to corner you alone in a bedroom upstairs.” Ugh.

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