If I have a day off I will play golf.

I've never liked to play stereotypes.

Play is really the work of childhood.

I don't play to sweat, I play to win.

I like to play snooker, golf as well.

I play piano every day. I enjoy that.

I shoulda learned to play the guitar.

In books, or work, or healthful play.

My God, Bobby Fischer plays so simply

I only know how to play one role: me.

Don't be afraid, just play the music.

I kinda wanted to play receiver more.

Hypocrites always wanna play innocent

I've always wanted to play a teacher.

It is better to play than do nothing.

I will never play for the Miami Heat.

I didn't come to play. I came to win.

Play needs direction as well as work.

I'm not a musician, I just play bass.

I spoil a lot of people with my play.

I no longer have it (desire to play).

One man in his time plays many parts.

You can't get saved if you don't play.

I always practice as I intend to play.

I can play the harmonica with my nose.

All I have to do is play football now.

Business is business, no child's play.

Play for the guy standing next to you.

I do not play football, I score goals.

In a world of free, everyone can play.

Serious art is born from serious play.

All I want to do, ever, is play chess.

The gods play games with men as balls.

Rich could play way better than Krupa.

I did two or three plays every summer.

My body is the fruit of spirits' play.

I don't have a favorite place to play.

'The Painkiller' is a remarkable play.

The true object of human life is play.

I like to play women who blaze trails.

Only assholes write plays about Nazis.

I try all night to play a pretty note.

I play my enemies like a game of chess

The House Beautiful is the play lousy.

I'm not someone who plays hard to get.

How every fool can play upon the word!

I work too hard and don't play enough.

Put your ego aside and play as a team.

I love America. I wanted to play golf.

If scientists don't play God, who will?

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