No fool can play chess, and only fools do.

One play can change your momentum forever.

My fault now is making my plays too short.

I'd love to play a full-out rocking chick.

When I play from my mind I get in trouble.

Dont play any notes. Notes are for babies.

I wish I could sing or play an instrument.

I don't need to speak...I play the guitar!

I really believe in the characters I play.

I write short stories, and I wrote a play.

Play to win because almost doesn't cut it.

I play a lot of ultra-violent video games.

You volunteering to play Big Gulp? ~Wraith

Honest error may play prologue to wonders.

The play is not in the words, it’s in you!

Don't play the saxophone. Let it play you.

If it's a good role, I'm happy to play it.

I play guitar, piano, bass and percussion.

He said to play louder. He can't hear you.

I went to my first college to play soccer.

Give a critic an inch, he'll write a play.

I'd like to do plays, maybe a one man show.

Five years is a long time to play one part.

I put the ball in play. That's what I want.

I'd like to be in a play with Mark Rylance.

If you don't play to win don't play at all.

Michael, if you can't pass, you can't play.

Each time I play a song it seems more real.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Long on the wave reflected lustres of play.

Play the game, never let the game play you.

Because there wasn’t enough time to play 54

That mush plays havoc downstairs, you know?

Coltrane, you cant play everything at once!

I hope to play for the Red Sox a long time.

I can't play a character that I am judging.

My ultimate goal is to play in the Masters.

If you don't like vampire games, don't play

I only ever play Vegas one night at a time.

Sophia Loren plays peasants. I play ladies.

You can't play well if you don't look good.

Those who play a safe game die very safely.

I like to play golf. I like to shoot hoops.

I think we all have a role to play in life.

If you love music, than you can play music.

This is how you play tennis without the net

To play a bag woman is brave for any woman.

All play and no work makes Jack a mere toy.

I like to have fun, but I don't play games.

Play what you know and then play above that

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