I play a lot of basketball.

It's cool to play a vampire.

My parents didn't play golf.

I can't play Mahatma Gandhi.

I was born to play baseball.

I don't play to be mediocre.

I listen to kids play a lot.

You must play boldly to win.

I work hard but I play hard.

I did plays in grade school.

Play with no fear of failure.

Talk is cheap, let's go play.

I sing a bit and play guitar.

I want to play until the end.

Shut Up and Play your Guitar.

I like honesty and fair play.

I just want to play baseball.

Life should be lived as play.

God plays pranks and directs.

Study first, play afterwards.

Let me play a Man in a scene.

I don't play for recognition.

I never play without my cape.

Out, damned spot! Out, I say!

Work? It’s just serious play.

G'bye, I'm going out to play!

I lust love to play football.

I shall play Scarlett O'Hara.

The last act crowns the play.

Idle time is the devil's play.

I am a D.J., I am what I play.

Our whole life is like a play.

I would like to play Broadway!

Bless up. Don't play yourself.

I play a huge variety of roles

Don't be ashamed to play safe.

Play is the work of childhood.

Play is the work of the child.

I don't have to play football.

Only a genius can play a fool.

It's fun to play happy people.

Play is your route to mastery.

I want to go outside and play.

I don't know how to play easy.

I seem to play a lot of losers.

Relax. Be yourself. Play a lot.

How the hell can you play here?

Play to win, but enjoy the fun.

I want to play on the PGA Tour.

Great players make great plays.

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