To play without passion is inexcusable!

We're not anxious to play L.S.U. again.

When the cats away, the mice will play.

I wish I could play like Roger Federer.

I wrote my first play when I was eight.

Macbeth was the first play I ever read.

I'll play anyone in Uno and crush them.

I also play fiddle, banjo and mandolin.

You never play age, you play character.

Play is the exultation of the possible.

Never play anything the same way twice.

It's really challenging to play comedy.

Every girl wants to play Bridget Jones.

Play him, fine him, and play him again.

It is idle to play the lyre for an ass.

It was so easy to play tennis, so easy.

You never win any games you don't play.

I play Rock 'n' Roll, that's what I do.

It's fun to play people who are flawed.

Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

I love drums and still play frequently.

You've got to play with pride and guts.

Play! Invent the world! Invent reality!

Women play into each other's weaknesses.

You cannot play for safety and make art.

I have fun with ideas; I play with them.

Life is a movie, let love play its role.

Can I, just one time, play the good guy?

A play visibly represents pure existing.

I don’t have to play football for money.

People really appreciate the way I play.

We need to play each others instruments.

James Brown is the reason I play guitar.

Gamblers and lovers really play to lose.

The mob taught me how to play gin rummy.

I know I can still play at a high level.

Of course, it's fun to play with Blacks.

I would play with Guns n' Roses anytime.

If I couldn’t play, I wouldn’t be alive.

I love to watch movies and play cricket.

Center is a very tough position to play.

Sometimes you just have to play in pain.

Accursed be he who plays with the devil.

I'm a spade, you're an ofay. Let's play.

Some actors play themselves, don't they?

Camouflage is a game we all like to play

I like to disappear in the parts I play.

Bass is for people who can't play guitar

It doesn't take any talent to play hard.

I play for the United States of America!

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