I have no ambitions to become the PM.

I know very well that I can never look like PM Modi.

All the credit of development in India goes to PM Modi.

After Modi became the PM, development happened across the country.

I need my cup of tea at about 4 PM. I don't eat any snacks with my tea.

When PM goes for a foreign visit, he represents a country and not the party.

Development of Bengal is possible only under the governance of PM Narendra Modi.

I am a living example of PM Modi's tolerance... he forgave me though I publicly attacked him.

An average working day begins at 8 or 9 am, includes an hour for lunch, and ends at 5 or 6 pm.

On form of government, there should be checks and balances, and PM should be responsible to Parliament.

For any party or alliance, it is imperative to get at least 272 Lok Sabha seats to claim the PM's post.

It is a British legacy that we have such a strict hierarchy that we can't even write a letter to our PM.

PM Modi's irresponsible behaviour and an overzealous Supreme Court will damage the Indian federal structure.

Any person should have enough sense to know that a PM should have public support. Numbers should be with them.

I think there are lot of people who do politics in the name of Dr. Lohia, but his dream has been fulfilled by PM Modi.

My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive.

PM Modi's belief in Direct Benefit Transfer was force enough to give the necessary impetus for its efficient implementation.

Having children has no bearing on the ability to be PM. I deeply regret that anyone has got the impression that I think otherwise.

I was leader of the Opposition when Vajpayee was PM. We attacked policies, not personalities, neither inside or outside the House.

Why should the PM be placed on such a high pedestal? That an ordinary citizen should not even have the guts to write a letter to the PM?

After Nashville sushi and a long debate on Bob Dylan, we went into Woodland Studios at 10 pm that night for a look around, and jammed for 5 hours solid.

Alok Verma cannot be sacked based on the Central Vigilance Commission's (CVC) report without being heard. PM Modi should not listen to bogus legal brains.

Those were the days, you know. It's an English thing; as soon as it's gets to 6 pm, you have to go and have a drink. We used to stick to that religiously.

The day every poor person in this country has a toilet in his home and his fuel requirements are met, whoever is the PM then shall rule for at least 25 years.

As PM, you have got to do everything from chairing the Cabinet to ceremonial things. You have also got to do the nitty gritty. I do get stuck into the detail.

I am the man who stands on the stage spinning plates on the top of poles. Every now and then the PM gives me another plate and I have to keep that going as well.

Sundays in my teens were spent on homework: from 8 am until at least 8 pm, with stoppages to be fed and watered. I was carrying up to ten subjects simultaneously.

I awake, I meditate, get the kids off to school, go to the gym, go to the Favored Nations office, and usually at around 1 pm I'm home and do music the rest of the day.

A good man should be on the PM's chair. The country's condition should improve. Only because of this I have supported Modi. You may call it a masterstroke or anything else.

I think film promotion has become really important in today's time. PM Narendra Modi also felt the need to do campaigning. If he doesn't do that, then nobody will give vote to him.

Let Rahul Gandhi become PM if he can. We experimented with Narendra Modi and look where we have landed. Let's experiment with Rahul Gandhi, or anybody. It can't be worse than this.

From the beginning of this century, for a decade as chief minister of Gujarat and for just over four years as India's PM, Modi has made an indelible mark in the annals of our history.

I had no political background. That's why PM Bhutto gave me the responsibility of the nuclear programme, and we acquired nuclear capability in a span of mere six years, which was a great milestone.

When I was in the PMO, Digvijaya Singh used to call me whenever he wanted to see the PM. He used to go through me. He is under compulsion to criticise me, but I am under no compulsion to criticise him.

I think theatre is by far the most rewarding experience for an actor. You get 4 weeks to rehearse your character and then at 7:30 pm you start acting and nobody stops you, acting with your entire soul.

With my first single, 'AM to PM,' I was just this cute 18-year-old. But 'cute' didn't get me older roles, and 'cute' wasn't selling records. I wanted people to see that I'd grown up, so I did 'Dip It Low.'

PM Modi has provided visionary leadership with his focus on the welfare of the poor and inclusive nature taking along his whole team, including states, parties, all schools of thought, all sections of society.

I have a lot of respect for PM Narendra Modi, as he works hard day and night and doesn't sleep more than 4 hours. So I am thinking of gifting him chewing gum, as he will chew that and will take rest and take care of his health.

Nobody is above the law. Imagine if there allegations against Modi and he is the Prime Minister. Should the case not be pursued just because he has become the PM. It should not be so that it should be stopped. I am not above the law.

PM Narendra Modi had promised to bring back black money, which he said could put Rs 15 lakh in each of our pockets. If he wants to repair his damaged credibility in this regard, we need to see swift and visible action on the Panama Papers.

I do not mind if a PM or leader of the opposition is single but if he or she chooses to dispense with marriage despite living with someone and having children, then I think that shows a contempt for marriage which sends an unfortunate message.

We're investing record sums on buses and trains. We have a huge programme to encourage people to walk and cycle, and everyone up to and including the PM has been looking closely at how we can promote electric vehicles, hybrids, and other technologies.

There was a three hour differential in performances because the sponsor insisted it be done live for California. You would go on at 8 pm in New York but you would also have to go on at 8 p.m. in California. That meant coming back in to do the show at 11 p.m.

There is a glass ceiling for the Indian startups. If I want to meet the PM, it won't be as easy as a foreign guy coming to India. I understand that dynamic, and we need to make sure government sees us as major contributors to society, which is not full there.

We need responsible regulations, not regulations that have gone wild. For example, the EPA has a rule that is going to be implemented Jan. 1, 2012, where they're going to begin to regulate dust. That's right, dust. It's called PM 2.5. That is focusing on the wrong thing.

Some bloke came up to me in Tesco a couple of years ago at 11:30 pm and said: 'Excuse me, would you mind telling my son here that you're Uncle Vernon?' I said: 'Get a grip. It's 11:30 at night - what's he doing out of bed? I'm not here to entertain people at this time of night.

We will ensure that the important characters of what make 'Make in India' an important flagship programme for PM Modi is given full play for defence production. 'Make in India' needs to take over so we benefit from what is manufactured in India and finds an international market.

PM Modi believes in detailed planning through extensive consultation. He is an example as a listener - no interruptions, no urgent phone calls, no distractions; he absorbs every input. He doesn't hesitate to say he needs more inputs, another round of briefing, or more time to mull over.

I will go to the next election saying to Australians, vote for me, vote for the Liberal Party, and I will become your PM. So I'm offering myself as the alternative PM - that's one way people describe the Leader of the Opposition - but I'm not in politics for myself to realize a personal ambition.

On the rare occasions when I spend a night in Oxford, the keeping of the hours by the clock towers in New College, and Merton, and the great booming of Tom tolling 101 times at 9 pm at Christ Church are inextricably interwoven with memories and regrets and lost joys. The sound almost sends me mad, so intense are the feelings it evokes.

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