Politics makes strange post-masters.

Politics is different than business.

I still have that new senator smell.

Politics is the science of urgencies.

There are no free lunches on welfare.

In politics, nothing is contemptible.

Under every stone lurks a politician.

I have impeached myself by resigning.

I'm a powerful S.O.B., you know that?

There is no strength without justice.

To rule is easy, to govern difficult.

Presidents are selected, not elected.

As for our majority... one is enough.

Politics is largely a matter of heart.

Resolved to ruin or to rule the state.

Never answer a question from a farmer.

Damn Americans. I hate those bastards.

A fool and his money are soon elected.

Fear is the politicians dance partner.

Emotion is a rotten base for politics.

Liberalism is Rationalism in politics.

Cuttin' taxes for strippers and thugs.

There are no true friends in politics.

A mouse does not rely on just one hole.

I don't have too much time for fiction.

Im the lamest lame duck there could be.

The cause of the riots were the rioters

The ballot is stronger than the bullet.

I say one evil empire down...one to go.

I love the HRC. The initials are great.

To negotiate is not to do as one likes.

Television is democracy at its ugliest.

Unlimited power corrupts the possessor.

A s laws multiply, injustice increases.

An informed patriotism is what we want.

The duty of an Opposition is to oppose.

In politics a week is a very long time.

Put temptation on the unenjoyment line.

Cruelty is fed, not weakened, by tears.

Be a politician; no training necessary.

In war the first casualty is the truth.

Live like the Kennedy's, above the law.

You do the policy, I'll do the politics.

Politics are a labyrinth without a clue.

[Khrushchev] should get a one-ton medal.

Democracy cannot survive overpopulation.

Half a truth is better than no politics.

Politics are a very unsatisfactory game.

In politics stupidity is not a handicap.

I don't give a damn about the civilians.

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