A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.

Poll workers put in very long hours on election day.

Influencing voters is the crux of all poll campaigns.

Every poll shows that most journalists are Democrats.

Obama's very unpopular. I don't need a poll to tell me that.

The poll that matters is the one that happens on Election Day.

My early years as a political activist were dominated by the poll tax.

I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote.

I'm not trying to win a popularity poll. I'm trying to win football games.

One cannot judge the poll outcome by the crowds one draws at public meetings.

No poll can equal the day-to-day visits of the men and women of the Democratic Party.

I'm a believer in the polls, by the way. Rarely do you see a poll that's very far off.

Palin seems to have forgotten that her poll ratings have plummeted since the summer of 2011.

A poll earlier this year showed that 42 per cent of Americans believe we're in the End Times.

If Rosa Parks had taken a poll before she sat down in the bus in Montgomery, she'd still be standing.

Any one game in baseball doesn't tell you that much, just as any one poll doesn't tell you that much.

A poll will give you the most popular answer but not the answer that optimizes the preference of a group.

The only poll obviously that matters is the last one, the one that's counted after all the votes are cast.

When a poll is really, really out of whack with what I want to happen, I do have a tendency to disregard it.

Some 43 percent of voters in union households voted for President Bush in 2004, according to exit poll data.

And I'm very proud of the 50,000 poll workers and election officials who delivered a free and fair election.

One poll shows that by 61 percent to 29 percent Americans under 40 say that Social Security needs to be fixed.

You know, you look at term limits, you poll term limits, 70, 80 percent of Republicans or Democrats are for it.

Poll results published with a clear byline for the research reflect a higher degree of confidence in the survey.

Of course, it is always nice to poll well, but if you don't get representatives elected, then what is the point?

I don't think the Gallup Poll technique is going to be very helpful in determining the goals of our educational system.

The first time I ever cast a vote in my 1992 Blessed Sacrament School poll, I voted for Ross Perot because - Ross Perot.

2007, according to a Harris poll, 71 percent of Americans believed that climate change was real, that it was human caused.

A swarm finds the solution people best agree upon. It optimizes collective support, whereas a poll tells us how we disagree.

I view my role now as providing more of a macro-level skepticism, rather than saying this poll is good or this poll is evil.

I grew up under Thatcher; the era of apartheid; the era of the poll tax; the era of riots. I remember Neil Kinnock was a hero.

I never felt comfortable with making political decisions based on whether, you know, it was the right thing to do in terms of a poll.

Every poll about the Left, the Right, and happiness reveals that the farther left one goes, the less happy the person is likely to be.

The immigrant blame game is constant. Cynical politicians believe it drives poll numbers; cynical commentators believe it drives TV ratings.

There is a garbage culture out there, where we pour garbage on people. Then the pollsters run around and take a poll and say, do you smell anything?

When a species wants to tap the collective intelligence of a population, they don't take a poll; they don't take a vote. They form a real-time system.

A poll survey should indicate at the outset whether it is meant to capture opinions and beliefs for preferences and practices or value and perceptions.

Every year since 1990, the Gallup poll has asked Americans to assess all the presidents since John F. Kennedy. And every year, Kennedy comes out on top.

Winning the BBC Music Sound Of 2016 poll has left me feeling pretty stunned at the end of one of the most emotionally and physically intense years of my life.

Unless people who voted for unionist parties are suddenly going to vote for a united Ireland, which I don't believe will happen, a border poll will be defeated.

A flat-rate poll tax would be politically unsustainable; even with a rebate scheme, the package would have an unacceptable impact on certain types of household.

Donald Trump's campaign is good at two things; hoovering up hundreds of millions of dollars from MAGA fans and spending them to move his poll numbers... nowhere.

But I was amazed at how organized the Palestinian election authority was, how competent they were in setting up their polling places and the poll workers they had.

What people are looking for are candidates and representatives that are going to work hard, tell it like it is. I'm unafraid to do things when it doesn't poll well.

You cannot be driven by the polls. The polls change all the time; they're easily manipulated by whoever wants to ask those poll questions; they go up; they go down.

The decision in Citizens United said that money equals speech, a position that I - and a vast majority of Americans, in poll after poll - could not disagree with more.

I think the record speaks for itself. These are two individuals who have been for the war when the headlines were good and against it when their poll ratings were bad.

A new poll shows that Senator Kerry's support in the South is strongest amongst blacks. Kerry's appeal to Southern blacks is obvious. He is a white man who lives far, far away.

Leadership can not be measured in a poll or even in the result of an election. It can only be truly seen with the benefit of time. From the perspective of 20 years, not 20 days.

Poll after poll has shown that a no-deal Brexit is emphatically not what the public wants - whatever the Leave campaign-staffed No 10 press office may tell lobby correspondents.

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