Don't ask me to cut my ponytail.

I'm the gun guy, a loud guitar Dirty Harry with a ponytail.

At 62, I remain clean and sober and my ponytail remains erect.

It takes a good 35-40 minutes to do my iconic ponytail every day.

Like my makeup, I keep my hair simple. It's either down or in a ponytail.

I always play with a very high ponytail so that my hair doesn't bother me.

A slick ponytail is a great way to add a modern, minimal look to your outfit.

When I pull my hair back in a ponytail, that's how you know I'm having a hard day.

Any time I had my hair in a ponytail, it would give me a headache by the end of the day.

I feel the most confident when I'm comfortable in workout clothes with my hair up in a ponytail.

I finally chopped off my ponytail at the end of middle school, and it was the best decision I made.

I can't live without knowing I have my extensions and ponytail. So I can run out the door at the drop of a hat.

Even if you throw your hair up in a quick topknot or ponytail, you can add instant polish by wearing a headband or bejeweled barrette.

Whenever I really get serious about something, I pull my hair back into a tight ponytail. If you see me with that, you know I mean business.

It's so mental how I looked in the '90s. The fact that I thought my ponytail was a good thing - it was just terrible. Cutting it off was so monumental.

I used to have long hair and get it done every two weeks, and it was never worth it to me. I would just walk out of the salon and put it in a ponytail anyway.

I don't really like dressing up. Some people probably think actresses dress up everywhere they go. I'm in sweatpants half the time with my hair in a ponytail.

A ponytail or a chignon makes me feel very beautiful and sensual. I feel like I can be more myself that way - I can move and talk without worrying about the hair.

I can be high maintenance for my work when I have to look good, but in my day-to-day life, hanging out at home, I'm happy with no make-up on and my hair in a ponytail.

When I'm not working, I spend a lot of time on my hair. When it's time for my hair to get some rest, I either wear it in a ponytail, bun or my favorite 'milkmaid' braid.

People are so afraid to say the word 'comic'. It makes you think of a grown man with pimples, a ponytail and a big belly. Change it to 'graphic novel' and that disappears.

I've always liked long hair. My dad's always had long hair, but he always tells me, 'I never had it in a ponytail.' And I say to him, 'You weren't an England goalie either, were ya.'

On April 3, 2014, Jane Goodall turned 80. The iconic blond ponytail has gone gray, but the sparkle of intelligence, sly humor, and fierce dedication still shines from her hazel eyes.

When I am going out, I am in ponytail, jeans, tees. I am just like any girl-next-door. Beauty is not external; it's internal. When you are a happy soul, you would be beautiful any time.

I feel like, in my 20s, I was putting my hair in a ponytail and pinching my cheeks and raising my voice an octave. So I feel more comfortable being a woman than I did being a young ingenue.

I never wanted to wear skirts or shoes, makeup, nails, dresses, or even wear my hair a certain way. I always wanted to wear sneakers, stud earrings, hair in a ponytail, and play with the boys.

For years I had my hair parted down the middle in a ponytail, tucked down around the sides... Well, I went and cut the bangs, and I've been wearing them ever since. They say it's my trademark.

I think I look great in pretty much everything... kidding! For the red carpet, I like to do really natural eyes and a nice sleek ponytail. Sometimes I'm into a really dark rouge, purple bold lip.

I like experimenting with different hair care, and when I get sick of it, I always mix it up. Ghd makes this mousse that I add to John Frieda's Frizz Ease, and it makes a ponytail hold really well.

I don't really have the patience to do my hair, which is why it's always parted down the middle, slicked, in a low ponytail or a messy high bun. I'm too lazy to do my own hair, but I like doing my makeup.

I hated having my hair down because it got into my face when I was playing sports. My mom would always put my hair down and make it all pretty, and by the time I got to school, I would have it up in a ponytail.

I won't usually make plans with people I don't know on Fridays because all I want to do is stick my hair in a ponytail and put on a big sweater, some tights and a pair of sneakers after a week working in the city.

No one recognizes me. And I hope that I can always go out without being recognized. Maybe that limits you in some way but I like to be able to pull my hair back in a ponytail and get groceries without anyone noticing.

We only had white socks in Romania. But when I used to come back from the States, I used to bring back pink and yellow socks with all kind of designs, and hair clips and elastic bands for the ponytail that had colourful designs.

I usually do my hair and makeup in 30 to 45 minutes, and if my hair is dirty, I'll just put it in a bun or a ponytail. If it's in a bun, I'll part it down the middle and do a low bun with a couple pieces in the front coming down.

All of my friends are like, 'Look at me when I was a little kid. I was so cute!' and it's a picture of them in a tutu. I'm so terrified to show them my pictures, because it's me in boy shorts and a ponytail and my brother's shirt.

When I first met Antonin Scalia, I was a small child with one brown ponytail atop my head. Which is odd, because I was a full-grown woman, and my hair was short and blond. Still, sitting on the black leather sofa in his chambers, I remember shrinking.

I love to cook and really enjoy cleaning my house. People always tease me about getting a maid. My girlfriend tells me that they are only $40 and will do everything. But that is my time to unwind, put my hair in a ponytail, throw on sweats, and be myself.

In '87, I was about 9 years old, and so at that point I was wearing, like, fluorescent green T-shirts and acid-wash jeans and leg warmers, and my hair was in a ponytail with a scrunchie and I had the teased bangs that were up in a rainbow shape. It was crazy.

I go through different phases and change my mind about my style all the time. In the winter, I wanted to wear jeans and pumps and black and leather all the time. Right now, I want to wear long skirts and belts, with my hair in a ponytail. It changes all the time!

I wash my hair once a week. You can do that. I swear. My sister-in-law and all of my friends were like, 'I can't do that. It sounds gross.' Once you train your hair, it will do whatever you want it to do. And on day seven when it's too oily, you just put it in a ponytail.

When I first started my character in my first match with Alicia Fox, I walked out with my hair in a ponytail, and as soon as I got into the ring, I took the ponytail out and let my hair down, because I knew it would get messed up, and I didn't want to look ridiculous on TV.

I've been applying makeup long enough to feel good doing it on my own, but I cannot do my hair to save my life. When left to my own devices, if I have to go to an event, I do a slicked bun. Otherwise, I just try to wear a hat, put it in a ponytail, or do a side braid - something easy.

On stage, I'm this figure, this actor, who does things that people aren't used to seeing and I relish in that reaction. In real life, though, I play golf, I shop and I walk around with no makeup on and my hair in a ponytail. I may not be the typical middle-aged Joe, but I'm closer to normal than you think.

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