I believe in the power of weakness.

I believe the gun has no power at all.

I believe in my power and boxing skills.

I believe the root of all evil is abuse of power.

I believe in the power that a casting director has.

I believe in a higher power. I believe in inspiration.

I believe in my strengths - in my power, my speed and technique.

As a writer and former elected official, I believe in the power of words.

I believe in the power of ideas. I believe in the power of sharing knowledge.

I became an engineer because I believe in the power of technology to enrich our lives.

I believe in the power of one and that we are all bound by the thread of oneness and humanity.

I believe the old boys' network is a powerful one. No one gives up power and privilege willingly, do they?

I believe in the power of millions of courageous conservatives rising up to re-ignite the promise of America.

I believe that the power which the spleen possesses of regulating its amount of blood depends entirely upon mechanical properties.

I set up Droga5 because I really believe in the power of advertising. But I believe in the power of advertising that's in synch with what consumers want.

Even though mother's issues are not front page news, they touch us all personally, some more than others, and I believe passionately in the power of grassroots engagement.

I believe strongly that when you have political capital, you should use it in a manner that helps improve the human condition. You shouldn't just compile power and hold onto power for power's sake.

After reviewing all of the evidence and witness testimony in this investigation, I believe that President Trump abused his power and obstructed Congress, and I will vote for both articles of impeachment.

Although many of his other novels are brilliant there is a power in 'Oliver Twist' that I believe Dickens never managed to retrieve. It is as if he was sent to this earth with the sole purpose of writing this book.

I believe if we simplify the process of tariff-fixing with lesser tariff slabs and rationalise the process, it will reduce corruption, and simultaneously, it will enable supply of adequate and cheap power to the poor as well as to farmers.

Alongside energy efficiency, renewables and abatement, I believe safe nuclear power, with manageable waste, can play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as long as it is cost competitive with other low carbon generation.

I believe that detente was having almost the opposite effect of what was intended. What was intended was to sort of end the contest for power and to stop Soviet expansion, especially by military means and the military build-up, the military contest.

What they will try to do is get symbolic victories. Symbolism is important to them. They have little else. But they will strike, I believe, at centers of media, of financial, of American power, of American culture; and that is where we should place our bet.

I have a profound belief in the power of the Sacraments. I believe that in a Divine way the use of them teaches the teachable their inward meaning and therefore I think we need be in no hurry to attempt to teach new converts all that we think we know about them.

I believe the first reason that Donald Trump is running for president is because he truly believes that he can help turn the nation around. The second reason I believe is that this is the greatest position in the world, to be at the center of political power, of the universe.

I believe that every leader has a right to implement his own policy. But when I see things that are done that are not right - abuse of power, wrong approaches, wrong strategies, making use of foreign consultants, including those discarded by other countries - I feel that I have to have my say.

We're taught Lord Acton's axiom: all power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I believed that when I started these books, but I don't believe it's always true any more. Power doesn't always corrupt. Power can cleanse. What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals.

I believe that the far-right and the far-left can be equally insane - but there's no question that in the first years of the Obama administration, the far-right has been far crazier. In part, this comes from parties being out of power - without the responsibility of governing to ground them, the activists and the ideologues take over.

The Obama administration's Clean Power Plan was stayed by the Supreme Court. That was an historic stay. They had never stepped in at that stage in litigation and actually issued a stay for a Clean Air Act regulation. They did that because I believe the Clean Power Plan was outside of the Clean Air Act. It was outside the bounds of the law.

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