Management is prediction.

The aeroplane will never fly.

Predictions are a mug's game.

Predictions are preposterous.

My predictions are notably inaccurate.

Science is prediction, not explanation.

Prediction is a low form of journalism.

I never make predictions and I never will.

That's not a prediction, that's a spoiler.

My track record is pretty good on predictions.

Prediction is difficult, especially the future.

Absolute prediction is completion . . . is death!

Predictions are hard, especially abot the future.

Oh well, I suppose lots of people will do it now.

Global warming isn't a prediction. It is happening.

Never make predictions, especially about the future.

A prediction is a prediction because it's predictable.

Making predictions is tough. Especially for the future.

The aeroplane is tragically unsuited for ocean service.

What do you call an economist with a prediction? Wrong.

The Middle East is a region where predictions go to die.

Never make bad predictions, especially about the futture.

With high hope for the future, no prediction is ventured.

All buildings are predictions. All predictions are wrong.

A rational prediction has an explanation based on theory.

You can't make money with a consensus accurate prediction.

It's always difficult to make predictions about the future.

We must prove our predictions about the future with action.

This fellow Charles Lindbergh will never make it. He's doomed.

The problem is not one of prediction. It is one of imagination.

I don't think a reporter should give advice or make predictions.

Prediction is very hard, particularly when it's about the future.

Prediction is difficult- particularly when it involves the future.

Making predictions is like throwing a dartboard at the fixture list

I never make a prediction that can be proved wrong within 24 hours.

The more unpredictable the world is the more we rely on predictions.

Im generally considered a conservative in my predictions for disease.

I've learned that the best political reporters never make predictions!

I'm generally considered a conservative in my predictions for disease.

Prediction is a very difficult business, particularly about the future

Let there be a special place in Hell for pundits who make predictions.

I don't think we should run government based on economists' predictions.

Every day I make predictions that don't come anywhere close to the mark.

I am saying that all predictions concerning climate are highly uncertain.

I am living against all predictions. The doctors say I am a sort of witch.

I never said I will stand, I said I hoped to stand. It wasn't a prediction.

You can predict all you want, but everybody knows what predictions get you.

I've ceased making predictions on things because we'll see how they turn out.

As for the depiction of the Catholic church, it's not meant to be a prediction

Hope is not a prediction of the future, it's a declaration of what is possible.

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